Sunday, July 31, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal: In Which We Avoided School As Much AsPossible

In our homeschool this week... I had good intentions of filing away last year's stuff and getting started putting my lesson plans into the Homeschool Tracker for the coming year. They remained just that - good intentions. Harrison took the maps and artwork down from the stairwell, which has been our Schoolwork Gallery for a few years, and that's about as much as got done on that project.

In other news... there's not much to tell either. Little tidbits: I wasted spent a couple days in running errands and grocery shopping. We spent one evening with friends sampling the product from their new ice cream maker, and talking about how we should write our own VBS curriculum for next summer. I attended a youth leaders meeting on another evening. We were delighted to find that at least a couple of bats have decided to reduce the insect population near our side door to the house! (can I call the hour spent bat-watching school? Why not?) I started moving my personal blog from its wordpress home to this platform. It's still kind of a mess - it's moved to my bookcase blog instead of the new one I set up, but hopefully I'll soon have it all sorted out.

My favorite thing this week was... the lunch I attended Saturday afternoon, where a wonderful group of homeschool moms got the latest news on Apologia Live conferences. Guess what - Apologia is not just science textbooks! I sort of knew that, yet still equate the name with high school science. But Apologia also publishes many valuable resources of encouragement for homeschool moms, and Biblical worldview curriculum... and if today's lunch was any indication, the Apologia Live conferences must be fantastic. I thoroughly enjoyed the time spent with the ladies from Apologia, and their heart for ministering to homeschool moms was obvious.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

How to make fried Coca-Cola

Yes, we tried it, although with a slightly different recipe.  Ours was more like funnel cake:

We're going to try a couple other types of recipes before settling on a favorite.  But we're off to a delicious start!  (By the way, I had to assure Harrison that he would get credit for finding the recipe, and for doing almost all the work in making the Deep Fried Coke)

On the Bookshelf...

  • Deep Church by Jim Belcher

  • The Bell Messenger by Bob Cornuke

  • Mine Is The Night by Liz Curtis Higgs

Finished Thief by Linda Windsor, Eco-Chic Home by Emily Anderson, and Shakespeare Undead by Lori Handeland

A Parting Shot...

Kennady with "Justin Bieber" at the mall last week.  She doesn't know anything about him, but we thought it might be funny to get her picture with him and make her friends jealous.  LOL

This post is linked to:  Homeschool Mother’s Journal at The Homeschool Chick


Giggly Girls said...

LOL at the Bieber shot. Mackenzie is not a fan.

We avoided school too. I was just too busy driving back and forth to VBS. Haven't even had time to do my wrap-up.

kympossible said...

glad I wasn't the only one avoiding school and in denial about it. LOL

Annie Kate said...

Hey, we're avoiding school too. We're gardening and preserving and swimming instead. It works for us. :)

I tried HS Tracker one year, but it was just too thorough for us.

My ds's friend has had people think he IS Justin Bieber. So funny.


Annie Kate

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