Friday, October 10, 2008

Show & Tell {Some Honduras Odds & Ends}

I had originally intended this post for Show & Tell with CanadaGirl last week, but didn't get it finished in time.  I have a number of pictures from Honduras that didn't fit under any other "chapter" so I am tossing a few together here so I can wrap it up!


I grabbed some pictures in town during a shopping trip. 




I think the above building is the police station and local jail.


I don't think I posted anything about the one-day afternoon VBS we held for the Spanish-speaking children in the neighborhood of the church.  These children were in school already, so we set aside an afternoon to do a day camp style VBS for them.  And when I say Spanish-speaking, I mean they knew not a WORD of English.  So it was challenging for us, because most of us knew only enough Spanish to order at a restaurant and ask the amount of our bill at the store!   Thankfully the missionaries did the teaching, and we had some wonderful translators - four young men from the South West school.  These children came from homes where they had very little - perhaps barely enough money to send children to the least expensive school, and that at great sacrifice.  They were so excited about VBS that one little boy tried to cut class in the morning and arrived HOURS too early!! We were supposed to start at 1pm, but we had quite a crowd there by 12:15.  Since we couldn't communicate verbally, we played - mostly we blew bubbles which they LOVED.


This is one of our young translators, Victor, helping Harrison and Eric organize the kids for a relay race.

This picture isn't very clear, but gives a little idea of how many kids we had.  This is approximately a third of the group ready for a puppet show:

We had somewhere over 130 kids. They tended to come and go as they pleased so it was hard to get an accurate number.


The church has some land up on the mountain where they will be building an alcohol rehab center.  We went up to look at the site one day - this is the "road"  (and I use the term very loosely! LOL)

Bob tells us this is where they will make a driveway for the trucks to bring construction materials up.  I may not be a construction engineer, but I am a thinker... and this is a pretty steep grade from what I can tell.  LOL

This is the view from near the actual build site:


After the waterfalls at Pulhaphanzak on the last day, we did get to do some shopping at a tourist plaza.  (There was great rejoicing on the bus when this was announced! LOL)  I was very glad myself, because I hadn't found anything in La Esperanza to take back for Spencer and Landon.  I did find some nice t-shirts at this place though so my gift shopping was completed!  This handsome fellow was greeting at the door:

These are some of the things I brought back as souvinirs and gifts.


For more Show & Tell fun, visit CanadaGirl


SuzyScribbles said...

"Tended to come and go as they please." That is SO Latino, isn't it? "Tico Time" is anytime in Costa Rica. :-)

Those kids are adorable. Didn't you just fall in love? Same as my experience in Costa Rica. At least I could speak the language (but I sure had a hard time understanding the language. Go figure...They talk too fast.). But they mostly just like to sit and hang with you, ya know?

I see you brought home the REAL THING in vanila. I'm...sadly....finally out of my REAL vanila. *sigh*

Haflingerhorses said...

You have lots of good pictures! It looks like it was a once in a lifetime mission trip.


MOMflippedisWOW said...

What a wonderful experience for both the children and you all! You are truly blessed.

Thank you for sharing.

drewsfamilytx said...

What a fabulous turnout for VBS camp! That is awesome!

That view of the mountains is breathtaking.

Oh and you cracked me up with your comment my dear Dim! LOL

jenn4him said...

Oh, what lovely pictures. I really liked the bird.


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