Monday, May 14, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: May 14, 2012

It's that time once again, to take a look back over the week past and see how much of my planned list I accomplished...
  1. Start getting rid of school materials we no longer need.  Buy what we do need.  Progress. We've made decisions on what we need, and I have purchased or ordered all of it except one curriculum kit for Spencer.  I decided that I could acquire it at the best price by ordering online instead of purchasing at the curriculum fair, so I need to do that.  I will be combining my order with a friend or two in order to save on shipping.  I am starting to make stacks and a list of the school materials I'd like to offer up for sale or giveaway, but haven't actually removed anything from my house yet.  
  2. Clean up my desk.  Hmmmm.... Progress? Hard to say.  I have kept my computer desk neat and organized this week, but I haven't removed very much from the other desk yet.  So more like maintenance rather than progress.  LOL
  3. Reading... not done.  At least not Shakespeare.  I haven't had time to read it online, and that is just not coming easily to me at all.  
  4. Blog goals... Done.   Reviews written, and Blog Hop posts planned and first one done. 
  5. Decluttering... Progress? This is kind of like my desk.  I know I worked on it, but there's not much visual evidence that it got done!
  6. Baking.  Progress.  I did some baking, but once again put off baking bread.  I pretty much saw that coming last Monday though and it was doubtful that I'd find time to bake bread.
  7. Healthier food habits and meal plans.  Not done.  Not really.  Again, drank more water and served more balanced meals, but I failed to keep a food diary and several meals were more slapped together than planned.
  8. This week's errands and to-do list: Complete.
Next, looking ahead for this week...
  1. Work on getting rid of school materials we no longer need.
  2. Clean up my desk.
  3. Start making appointments to do end-of-year evaluations.  Only one of the families I am doing evaluations for has a graduate this year, and I already know they've met all the requirements for graduation.  But I still need to do at least that evaluation prior to the commencement on May 25th.  And I should probably start calling the other families and get some appointments made.
  4. Reading... I am going to try - again - to find Henry V in a book format so I don't have to read it online.  Because clearly that is not working well for me.  Also need to settle into my new Bible reading program.
  5. Blog goals... I have four more posts to complete for the 5 Days of... Blog Hop this week.  They are in various stages of development right now, but I don't want to be scrambling to get them finished each day - I want them ready to go! Plus I have a review due this week, which is also partially written.
  6. Baking.  I think I am going to bake bread today so I can get this one out of the way early in the week! LOL
  7. Healthier food habits and meal plans. Keep working at this.  The better health habits are worth the effort.  At least that's what I'll keep telling myself.
  8. Decluttering...
  9. This week's errands and to-do list includes:  choral concerts tonight and tomorrow, Civil Air Patrol, softball, worship team practice, and Field Day.  Plus I suppose I will need to buy some groceries at some point.

This post is linked up at Real Life: Unscripted.  (New home for Goal Planning Monday!)


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