Monday, December 3, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: December 3, 2012

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12~

I don't know why I thought I could get so much more done last week, knowing that I was busy every night of the week and had at least three days on which I'd be out of the house at least part of the day.  Not well thought out. Now that my concert season is over, I hope that the worst of the busy-ness is past, believe it or not!
  1. Clean up and rearrange. Progress! Moved some of the furniture and did a fair amount of cleaning up.
  2. Finish decorating. Progress, but I didn't finish.  
  3. Schoolwork and grading. Progress. Still working on it this morning.  I am going to keep up!
  4. Sewing projects. Not done. Still.  *sigh*
  5. Baking and meal planning. Done! We had to wait till the end of the week before we had a good night to have a turkey dinner and our chocolate cheesecake, but it was worth waiting for.  And it made this week's meal planning easier in the bargain, because I have turkey leftovers! Woot!
  6. Blog goals... Done. 
  7. Personal study... Not done. Oops.  It was a very busy week, and I just couldn't get myself together to sit down and study.
  8. Christmas cards and newsletter! Not done. Oh dear.  I'd better get moving on this or it might not get done at all! LOL
  9. This week's errands and to-do list: complete. 
Hmmm... I need to keep my nose to the grindstone on some of these things, but I have to be realistic too.
  1. Clean up and rearrange. I have a few more things to organize in the living room and then I'm going to call it good until after the holidays.  There's only so much I can do with the tree in the room.  I hope to get some cleaning up done in some of the other rooms too.
  2. Finish decorating. I'd better make this a priority, or it will simply get too late in the season to bother with!
  3. Schoolwork and grading. Assignment lists made up for the next three weeks, and then stay on top of the grading during that time.
  4. Sewing projects.
  5. Baking and meal planning. I've already got at least three meals planned, and I am baking bread today, so I think I have a head start on this!  I put the turkey bones from Saturday evening into the freezer so I will make soup stock one day this week too.
  6. Blog goals... I found a couple of link-ups that I want to participate in, in addition to the ones I'm already doing.
  7. Personal study...
  8. Christmas cards and newsletter. Write a newsletter of some sort this week, and start getting these in the mail.
  9. This week's errands and to-do list includes: gym class, CAP, church activities, and two date nights on the weekend!
This post is linked up at Real Life: Unscripted.  (New home for Goal Planning Monday!)


Debbie Phillips said...

Sounds like a busy week, with all you had to do I am surprised you got as much done from your goal list as you did. I have nothing to do, no where to go most weeks and I still don't get everything on my goal list done most weeks.

I hope you are having a successful, less busy outside the home, week. I hope you get your decorating and sewing done. God Bless and have a great weekend.

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