Welcome to another edition of the Virtual Refrigerator! Each week the blog hop will rotate between A Glimpse of Our Life, Angels of Heart, Homeschool Coffee Break, and Every Bed of Roses. Add your link and then hop over to the other blogs and see what others are sharing! This week Nikki at Angels of Heart is our hostess.
We had art projects to work on in Social Studies this week, and one of them was something I asked Landon to work on as well. He doesn't particularly like to draw, but he was a very good sport about this project because he has been waiting for us to talk about Easter Island in our study of South America. This was the week! Our Geography Through Art book had a lesson giving practice in drawing in one point perspective, using the Easter Island heads - called moai - as the subject. Here is the picture from the book:

First, draw a horizon line on your paper. Starting where the horizon line meets the edge of the paper, draw a diagonal line to the opposite corner of the page. Draw those lines very lightly! Now draw the statues - or some other subject (fence posts or telephone poles are good subjects for learning one point perspective) - between the horizon and diagonal lines. The largest statues will appear to be closer to you and the small ones will appear to be further away. After drawing the statues, erase the guidelines (that's why you draw really light!) and add some details like carving, shadows, a foreground or backdrop.
Here is Kennady's drawing. She was disappointed that the shadows under the prominent noses of the moai turned out to look like mustaches, but she did a great job of getting the shading down the sides of the moai right, and added a bit of an abstract base for them to stand on.

This is Landon's drawing. He didn't bother with foreground or backdrop, but added a very small statue in the distance. See it in the center? Also? We thought that the moai third from the right wound up looking like Fred from Kennady's math book. LOL
We had art projects to work on in Social Studies this week, and one of them was something I asked Landon to work on as well. He doesn't particularly like to draw, but he was a very good sport about this project because he has been waiting for us to talk about Easter Island in our study of South America. This was the week! Our Geography Through Art book had a lesson giving practice in drawing in one point perspective, using the Easter Island heads - called moai - as the subject. Here is the picture from the book:
First, draw a horizon line on your paper. Starting where the horizon line meets the edge of the paper, draw a diagonal line to the opposite corner of the page. Draw those lines very lightly! Now draw the statues - or some other subject (fence posts or telephone poles are good subjects for learning one point perspective) - between the horizon and diagonal lines. The largest statues will appear to be closer to you and the small ones will appear to be further away. After drawing the statues, erase the guidelines (that's why you draw really light!) and add some details like carving, shadows, a foreground or backdrop.
Here is Kennady's drawing. She was disappointed that the shadows under the prominent noses of the moai turned out to look like mustaches, but she did a great job of getting the shading down the sides of the moai right, and added a bit of an abstract base for them to stand on.
This is Landon's drawing. He didn't bother with foreground or backdrop, but added a very small statue in the distance. See it in the center? Also? We thought that the moai third from the right wound up looking like Fred from Kennady's math book. LOL
Uncanny, isn't it? |
Kennady did these still life drawings for lessons from her ARTistic Pursuits book.
The instruction for this one was to draw something for someone special. She drew this for me - a Tim Horton's coffee mug, and a Calgary Flames hockey mug. 8-D
This post is linked up to the Virtual Refrigerator Blog Hop at Angels of Heart. Add a link to share your child's art or your arts and crafts how-to posts, and visit the other blogs and admire what's on their Virtual Refrigerators!
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©2006-2013 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://kympossibleblog.blogspot.com/
All your drawings are great! I especially love the Easter Island sketches. We notice Fred cropping up at unexpected moments in our house, too :-D
We have both the books you refer to - thank you for inspiring me to dig them out!
Have a wonderful week, Lucinda
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