Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are leaving tomorrow for our "Christmas" vacation, so I will be unlikely to blog, read or comment for awhile.  Which reminds me, I've been meaning to say this --- does anybody else have to enter the number code a zillion times before it believes you and posts your comment?  That happens to me all the time when I try to leave comments on other blogs.  I will write something witty and intelligent (okay - not so much.  LOL) and then enter that validation code and it's RARE, really RARE that it posts the first time.  Most of the time it comes back with a little note in red telling me that the code I entered was invalid.  Really?? Cuz I copied it exactly.  So I try again.  Same thing.  Again, and again... until it finally works.  It takes an average of three to four tries EACH comment I leave.  Understandably, since I have dial-up, I sometimes get frustrated and give up.  So  I don't comment nearly as much on the actual blogs as I'd like to.  Anyway... that was random...


So I'll be in Alberta, Canada visiting my family for a couple weeks.  Try not to miss me too much.    We leave tomorrow, and my To-Do list for today is just insane.  I still haven't decided if there's any point in taking schoolwork along.  I think I will take some, if just to annoy the boys and have something to threaten them with.  mwa ha ha ha

Oh, and I was asked some questions - so I will post a little more about the Science book series I mentioned.  The God's Design books say they are intended for elementary grades.  The book about animals I used last year was fine for Kennady who was in Kindergarten, and I just added some supplemental material for Spencer who was in Gr7.  This year I'm using it for my kids in Grades 1, 3, and 8 and it is working out very well.  I think the physics books are probably intended for older elementary and up, but I haven't checked what the authors say.  I was asked which I would start with - and I think I would start with The Animal Kingdom as we did.  Maybe do the one about Plants next.  They also say that each book, which contains approximately 35 lessons, can be used as an entire year's science curriculum, but we moved through much quicker than that and will complete two of the books this year. 


Okay, I need to go... the kids slept in and are late for school.  Not that I have any illusions that we'll get much schoolwork done today, but we could at least start. 


Happy Thanksgiving!!!!




DanielleW said...

Praying you are enjoying your visit North! Have fun and stay safe.

drewsfamilytx said...

HAPPY THANKSGIVING and safe travels during your Christmas vacation!

Canada?! BRRR... I'm freezing here in Houston so I can only imagine...

We have the God's Design book for the Human Body. We have yet to start it but are planning to very soon-- it looks like the exact thing we need around here.

Anyhow, take care my friend!


PS I don't have the commenting problem...

MOMflippedisWOW said...

Lol, looks like you all are having a great time this year! Hope you all are enjoying your vacation!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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