Thursday, July 15, 2010

Summer School Fun

Yesterday Kennady was lucky - she got to participate in the library's "Junior Gardeners Program" which a local gardening club puts on a couple times a year.  She went last year and loved it, but when we tried to register her for the current session, it was full and there was a waiting list.  She was #9 on the list, so we figured it probably wouldn't happen.  Things went our way though!  Apparently quite a number of people ahead of us dropped out, so we got a phone call last week suggesting that we might want to just show up at the library the day of the class, and maybe there would be room since Kennady had moved up to #3 or so on the waiting list.  Another mix-up proved to be in our favor as well - the gardening club ladies thought the class was to be in the afternoon instead of in the morning, so the library phoned us in the morning asking if we were still interested if the class was moved to 1pm instead of the advertised 11am.  YES!!

The class discussed starting plants from seeds and from cuttings, and each child was able to choose some winter squash seeds to plant and bring home, and start a sweet potato vine cutting so they could try to root it and plant it at home.  Then they discussed annuals and perennials and some tips for making different types of floral arrangements.  Then each child was able to put together two floral arrangements to bring home - one in a vase and one in a container with an 'oasis' base.  So Kennady had a pot of seeds, a vial with a cutting, and two floral arrangements to bring home, along with some handouts outlining floral arranging tips and some recipes for baking with winter squash.

So now Kennady has a new entry to her list of possible careers - florist.

Well, I'd better get going... on hunting down books on floral arranging for preteens...


This Blog Needs A Title… » Blog Archive » Weekly Wrap-Up: Covering the Past Two Weeks said...

[...] Here at home, in addition to plugging away at those few unfinished school projects, we are participating in the library’s summer reading program (well, Landon and Kennady are), and this week that afforded Kennady the opportunity to attend a junior gardeners workshop and do some flower arranging.   (More details) [...]

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