In other news... we started the week with a pre-Thanksgiving dinner with friends. Found out they'd never had deep-fried turkey, so we thought that needed to be remedied. So we enjoyed a turkey dinner together on Monday evening. On Tuesday evening, I did go to choir practice, but without a voice, I did more listening than singing. On Friday, I finally broke down and saw the doctor about my painful and swollen knee. It has been getting noticeably worse over the past couple weeks, obviously swollen and I've been losing range of motion. At this point it is diagnosed as a torn meniscus, and I have an MRI on Monday to confirm that and find out how serious it is. *sigh*
I took Kennady to her Christmas play practice on Saturday morning, and in the afternoon our family attended a birthday party for a dear lady from our church. The part was an open house, but we wondered if we would even make it before it was over! We got away from our place later than we'd planned, and then there was an accident on the highway which backed traffic up quite a bit. And once we reached the town where the party was, the traffic there was very busy, much to our surprise! But we did get to the party and enjoyed it there. As they were starting to clean up, Kennady managed to sweet-talk her way into getting all the helium balloons that were left so we took those home. We stopped on the way home for a barbecue dinner too.
My favorite thing this week was... spending time with friends.
What's working/not working for us... as I mentioned before, Math Mammoth is working quite well for us. You can read about it in the TOS Crew review I did this week.
Questions/thoughts I have... we will be going away for a few days this coming week, and I am considering taking a little bit of schoolwork with us.
I'm curious - How many homeschoolers take schoolwork along on vacations?
A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
Do not worry about your difficulties in mathematics, I assure you that mine are greater. ~Albert Einstein
On the Bookshelf...
- Already Compromised by Ken Ham and Greg Hall with Britt Beemer
- Cleopatra: Last of the Egyptian Queens by Joyce Tyldesley
- Sunrise of Avalon by Anna Elliott
- The Romance of Tristan by Beroul
- Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay Clarkson with Sally Clarkson
A Parting Shot... ..
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="the balloon people that populated my kitchen on Saturday night"]
This post is linked to The Homeschool Chick - see what other homeschoolers have been doing this week!
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