Monday, March 26, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: March 26, 2012

Not a great week, but not a complete waste of time either!
  1. Grading and co-op projects.  Progress.  I did some grading, but have quite a bit still sitting on my desk.  I completed the co-op project I needed for last week's class, and decided what my last project will be.  But I was able to switch weeks with my guest teacher so I have another week before I have to finish that last project. Whew!
  2. FILE the taxes.  Done! Well, our taxes are done and filed.  I've completed Harrison's but still need to file those.  
  3. Get together books and curricula for sale.  Done!  Got rid of some of it at Saturday's sale, and may have another opportunity to sell some this week.    
  4. Tidy up the sewing area.  Not done.  And in my defense, I got started on it, but one of the fluorescent light tubes above the sewing desk needs to be replaced and the dim flicker was giving me a headache.  So I left this alone until DH changes the tube.  
  5.  Reading... Done! Met my daily reading goal, and I finished one of the novels. 
  6. Blog Goals... Progress.  Got my review up last night, and did most of the bloggy things I wanted to during the week, but I haven't updated or moved the book blog yet.
  7. Meal planning.  Done, I guess.  We ate dinner every night last week, anyway.  LOL  
  8. Decluttering...  Progress.  Gathering up those books for sale helped, and I did a few other minor decluttering and organizing projects.
Let's see what's coming up this week...
  1. Grading and report cards.  Report cards are due at the beginning of next week, but I like to hand them in at co-op on Thursday, so that's the deadline.
  2. Help Harrison file his taxes, and organize the financial records.  I have a system to keep receipts and bills and financial records updated and tidy, I just fail to actually use it on a daily basis.  My bad.  It has to get caught up this week and then I need to figure out how to keep it up.
  3. Start planning next year's curricula.  I already have most of what I will need for next year, or know what I'll need. For Landon and Kennady. There are a few more questions where Spencer is concerned, and I want to start looking at the options this week, even if we don't make decisions for awhile yet.  I need to have a really good idea what I'm looking for by the time the first curriculum fair rolls around.
  4. Reading... Same as always - daily reading in A House for My Name, and I think I have two novels I will be able to finish this week.
  5. Blog Goals... all the usual, although I don't have a review due during this week.  I do need to work on the book blog, and I have some stats type things I should try to figure out for this one.
  6. Meal planning.  This should be an easy week for it - in fact, I think I have it planned out already, since DH won't be home for dinner during this week.  So our standards are lower! LOL  But I am going to start planning ahead to April.  Also, since softball season has started, that changes how meals work at least two nights a week.
  7. Decluttering... I think I need to focus on the desk, it's looking pretty chaotic. o.O  I will not embarrass myself with Before and After pictures!
  8. This week's errands and to-do list includes: take the recyclable cans (ours and the ones collected at the church youth center) to the depot; find boots for Landon for CAP; plan for Good Friday service; put away winter clothes and check what might be needed for summer wardrobes...

This post is linked up at Mama Manuscripts.


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