Not a great week, but not a complete waste of time either!
This post is linked up at Mama Manuscripts.
- Grading and co-op projects. Progress. I did some grading, but have quite a bit still sitting on my desk. I completed the co-op project I needed for last week's class, and decided what my last project will be. But I was able to switch weeks with my guest teacher so I have another week before I have to finish that last project. Whew!
- FILE the taxes. Done! Well, our taxes are done and filed. I've completed Harrison's but still need to file those.
- Get together books and curricula for sale. Done! Got rid of some of it at Saturday's sale, and may have another opportunity to sell some this week.
- Tidy up the sewing area. Not done. And in my defense, I got started on it, but one of the fluorescent light tubes above the sewing desk needs to be replaced and the dim flicker was giving me a headache. So I left this alone until DH changes the tube.
- Reading... Done! Met my daily reading goal, and I finished one of the novels.
- Blog Goals... Progress. Got my review up last night, and did most of the bloggy things I wanted to during the week, but I haven't updated or moved the book blog yet.
- Meal planning. Done, I guess. We ate dinner every night last week, anyway. LOL
- Decluttering... Progress. Gathering up those books for sale helped, and I did a few other minor decluttering and organizing projects.
Let's see what's coming up this week...
- Grading and report cards. Report cards are due at the beginning of next week, but I like to hand them in at co-op on Thursday, so that's the deadline.
- Help Harrison file his taxes, and organize the financial records. I have a system to keep receipts and bills and financial records updated and tidy, I just fail to actually use it on a daily basis. My bad. It has to get caught up this week and then I need to figure out how to keep it up.
- Start planning next year's curricula. I already have most of what I will need for next year, or know what I'll need. For Landon and Kennady. There are a few more questions where Spencer is concerned, and I want to start looking at the options this week, even if we don't make decisions for awhile yet. I need to have a really good idea what I'm looking for by the time the first curriculum fair rolls around.
- Reading... Same as always - daily reading in A House for My Name, and I think I have two novels I will be able to finish this week.
- Blog Goals... all the usual, although I don't have a review due during this week. I do need to work on the book blog, and I have some stats type things I should try to figure out for this one.
- Meal planning. This should be an easy week for it - in fact, I think I have it planned out already, since DH won't be home for dinner during this week. So our standards are lower! LOL But I am going to start planning ahead to April. Also, since softball season has started, that changes how meals work at least two nights a week.
- Decluttering... I think I need to focus on the desk, it's looking pretty chaotic. o.O I will not embarrass myself with Before and After pictures!
- This week's errands and to-do list includes: take the recyclable cans (ours and the ones collected at the church youth center) to the depot; find boots for Landon for CAP; plan for Good Friday service; put away winter clothes and check what might be needed for summer wardrobes...
This post is linked up at Mama Manuscripts.
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