Monday, December 17, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: December 17, 2012

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12~

In some ways, I got more done this week than I might have expected.  The calendar may start out pretty clear at the beginning of the week, but at this time of year it inevitably gets all kinds of things added as we go along.
  1. Clean up and finish decorating. Mostly done. The kitchen and dining room are quite presentable, and I find the kitchen the hardest room to keep "picked up" - I guess because of the tendency almost everyone in the family has to put things on the counter or a table "for now". ;-)  
  2. Schoolwork and grading. Progress. We didn't get as much schoolwork done as I'd hoped last week, but we made good headway. 
  3. Sewing projects. Not done.  8-/
  4. Baking and meal planning. Done! A couple batches of cookies and some bread done during the week, and I did a pretty good job with meal plans.
  5. Blog goals... Done.
  6. Personal study... Not done. Just as I suspected.
  7. Christmas cards and newsletter. Mostly done.  Newsletter written and I started printing copies.  Card lists done, so I am thinking I can get everything that has to be mailed done today. For some reason, my printer/program doesn't obey my request to print multiple copies of documents, so I have to hit the print button for Every. Single. Copy. of the newsletter.   
  8. This week's errands and to-do list: complete. 
This week hold our last school days until January, and we will be getting ready to go visit grandparents for the holidays, so there's a lot to be done.  
  1. Have a tidy house for the holidays. I need to leave the house as tidy as possible, in hopes that Harrison will keep it that way!  We don't like leaving the house in disorder, and we certainly don't like coming home to it, so we're going to spend a little extra time cleaning up after ourselves this week.
  2. Schoolwork and grading.  Ideally, we can finish chapters and units as planned so that we don't have a long break in the middle of a project.  And also ideally, I will grade everything we do so that I can start January with a clean slate.
  3. Sewing projects.  Well, one sewing project that Kennady needs my help to finish off, and then we need to put the sewing machines away.  That much needs to be done by the end of the week.
  4. Baking and meal planning.  We have a couple of holidays parties this week, and I am trying to keep the meal plans simple.
  5. Blog goals...
  6. Final shopping, wrapping and packing. I have a couple gifts left to buy; I would like to wrap gifts to take along rather than wrap there; and we need to pack up for the trip.
  7. This week's errands and to-do list includes: holiday parties, shopping, gym class, church activities, and at least a couple trips to the auto shop.
This post is linked up at Real Life: Unscripted.  (New home for Goal Planning Monday!)

3 comments: said...

I've been thinking a lot about goals this week- started with Getting Things Done- fantastic book! I'm your newest follower and fellow Crew member. A blessed Advent!

Katrina said...

Laughing Lioness, I'd love to have you visit Goal Planning Monday! I'm a former Crew mate, having left last year after nearly 3 years. I hope you are enjoying it!

I hope you have a great week. Thanks for linking up again this week!

Debbie Phillips said...

Ahhh the busyness of Christmas... add to that my one week on the couch because of sickness and I didn't get anything done. It looks like you did pretty well. Sorry you didn't get your personal study done last week. I see you didn't even put it on for this week... Hope you will have time to get back to it after the busy holidays. A tidy house... yes keeping the kitchen clean with my daughters cooking and cooking is difficult. I did a BUNCH of pots yesterday trying to keep up with them, but the cookies we get to eat make it worth it!! I hope you got all you schoolwork and cleaning done so you can have a restful trip to visit family for Christmas. God Bless. Enjoy the little bit of weekend we have left.

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