Monday, January 14, 2013

Goal Planning Monday: January 14, 2013

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12~

Don't let the words "progress" and "done" fool you into thinking I had a fantastic week, because I really didn't.  But I chipped away at most of the stuff on my list, and even a little progress is better than none!
  1. Clean kitchen cupboards and drawers. Progress!  I wasn't feeling well at the beginning of the week and spent a couple of days doing next to nothing that wasn't essential.  Then I realized that I had actually been a week ahead in the 52 Week challenge! (from 52 Weeks to An Organized Home)  So my challenge calendar has some things crossed off for this week already, even though not everything from last week is complete.
  2. Prep the pictures and music for Spencer's grad. Done, but...  turns out we have until the next meeting, so I was happy to hold onto it until then.  That gives me the chance to hunt down a better selection of pictures, and I realized I need to rename the files anyway.
  3. Schoolwork and grading. Progress. A couple days of illness slowed me (and Kennady) down, but we got quite a bit done.  Grading must be completely caught up by the end of semester, which is this week!
  4. Baking and meal planning. Progress.  Did a little baking, did okay with meal planning, but turned out I still had to stop at the grocery every time I left the house! Ack! 
  5. Blog goals... Done, I guess. I only had a couple entries planned for this week, and I did get them done.  But it feels like I didn't do much.  I am still woefully behind on reading blogs too!
  6. Co-op lesson plans. Done.  Had a good planning meeting and feel pretty good about what we have laid out.  Unfortunately, I ran out of printer ink before getting the stuff printed that I wanted for the next step.
  7. Personal study and reading.  Done/not done.  The number one priority was my Bible reading each morning, and that is going great! The number two priority was supposed to be setting a time frame for working on my tax prep course, and once again the sickies got in the way of getting that done.  But I can't blame the sickies entirely, because once I felt better, I totally let that slide. 
  8. "Un-decorate" the house. Done.  But the boxes need to go back to the garage.
  9. This week's errands and to-do list: complete. 
I hope that we're all healthy this week, so I can make even more progress on the following:

  1. Clean kitchen cupboards and drawers. Basically finish what I thought I could do last week, but didn't!
  2. Co-op lesson plans. I have a brief meeting planned with the co-teacher tonight, and I guess I will have to make copies of some of the things I need somewhere other than on my home printer, and make sure I buy printer ink!
  3. Schoolwork and grading.  Since the semester ends this week, we have things to finish up and I will be setting aside time for grading and preparing report cards.
  4. Baking and meal planning.
  5. Blog goals... 
  6. Personal study and reading. Continue reading through The One-Year Bible, carve out study time for the tax prep course, and although I will continue my personal enjoyment reading, I will need to prioritize better.  I committed to a Pride & Prejudice reading challenge for the year too.  (I posted about it on Just A Second)
  7. Sort out issues with the following: DH's contact lens order (either need to get authorization to reorder with the current Rx or make appointment to get an updated Rx); GameStop order (boys placed an order with their Christmas and birthday money, but the gift certificates didn't show up properly, so I need to fix that); our health insurance and medical bills (need to know what's covered and where we're at so we can plan the rest of Spencer's ankle rehab appointments); and it wouldn't surprise me if there are a few other things like this too.
  8. This week's errands and to-do list includes: co-op planning and Encouragement Group, therapy appointments with Spencer, choir, CAP, church activities, and the usual library and shopping trips.

This post is linked up at Real Life: Unscripted.  (New home for Goal Planning Monday!)


Debbie Phillips said...

Progress or done on most of your goals for last week... and it looks like you have a lot of things on your plate for this week. I totally understand about the sickies throwing a hitch into you plans. The week+ that I had bronchitis threw me for a loop as well. I hope you get caught up on your work and have a healthy productive week. God Bless.

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