Saturday, July 23, 2011

Homeschool Mother's Journal: In Which I Get Some Focus

In our homeschool this week... we didn't do any schoolwork - it's summer, after all! - but I (finally) posted the resources I'm planning to use for the coming school year for the "Let's Talk Curriculum 2011-2012" link-up.  Part One listed Spencer's schoolbooks, and Part Two listed the books Landon and Kennady will be using.

In other news... VBS kept us busy this week - Landon and Kennady were attending, and the rest of us were helping in one way or another.

And as if it wasn't humid enough, the laundry sump pump stopped working right this week, and on the same day something went wrong with part of the central air system (I don't even pretend to know what it was) which left our basement in puddles.  Yuck.  Thankfully, none of the puddles were large enough or deep enough to do any real damage, and DH was able to fix the thingamabob on the air conditioning system.  The pump was fixed on Thursday so I was back in business with the laundry.

Friday was kind of interesting... Kennady and I had eye doctor appointments.  I was glad to hear that Kennady did not need glasses, and won't for at least several more years.  It didn't come as much of a shock to hear that I DO need glasses though.  I already knew it, really, because I've been wearing glasses for driving for a few years now.  It's a very weak prescription, but after I broke my glasses a few months ago I've certainly noticed that it still makes a big difference!  Well, now I need reading glasses too and you know what that means? Yep, the "B" word - bifocals.

It's occurred to me that my reaction to this news is probably not typical, and I'm not sure if I should be worried.  You see, the doctor assured me that I don't need glasses at all for anything other than reading and distance, and even suggested that I might want to get one of those eyeglass chains and wear the glasses around my neck except when reading or driving.  This was, surprisingly, very good news because now I have 'doctor's orders' to get myself one (at least one! maybe more!) of those funky beaded eyeglass chains that I've been inexplicably interested in for months now.  I can hardly wait! I ordered myself some new glasses with funky frames - one pair sunglasses and one pair regular - and am forcing myself to wait till I HAVE the glasses before choosing a chain.  I'm positively giddy about it and pretty sure I will ROCK the librarian look.  8-D

Later on Friday evening, we went to the church cookout to celebrate the end of VBS.  (WHY is VBS on the hottest week of the year?? It was up between 100 and 107 on Thursday and Friday!)  I have no idea what the official count was, but the attendance looked really high by our estimate!  We had a bounce house and an amazing 100ft waterslide for the kids.

I also (finally) posted some pictures from our first few days of vacation in A Birthday Weekend PhotoJournal at my other blog.  I still have to post pictures from our Kingsfest vacation.  Maybe tomorrow...

My favorite thing this week was... believe it or not - VBS.  I never look forward to it, honestly.  It doesn't matter when we have it, it's the hottest week of the year.  It means we're busy every night of the week.  It involves me doing my best to avoid having to teach any classes (my excuse is that I don't like other people's kids! hahaha).  But once we get rolling, I enjoy it.  I help in the kitchen, feeding all those kids a fun snack every evening, and we have lots of fun.  Like being the super-hero Lunch Lady.  Awesome.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...
What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance. ~Jane Austen

On the Bookshelf...

  • Deep Church by Jim Belcher

  • Eco-Chic Home by Emily Anderson

  • The Bell Messenger by Bob Cornuke

  • Thief by Linda Windsor

Finished Mr Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

A Parting Shot...

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="320" caption="I don't want anyone to see me in glasses!"][/caption]

This post is linked to:  Homeschool Mother’s Journal at The Homeschool Chick


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