Monday, October 22, 2012

Goal Planning Monday: October 22, 2012

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. ~Psalm 90:12~

My mom and dad are here visiting so I will be limiting my computer time, and my to-do list!  I had hoped to do these things before they arrived...
  1. Clean-up and organize. Progress.  I got some of the projects done, but of course, not all.
  2. Grading and lesson planning. Progress.  I had wanted to have updated assignment lists printed out, but I didn't get that far.  We will be playing it by ear for school this week and next.
  3. Baking and meal planning. And pork product ordering. Done.  Baked bread, kept to a meal plan, and gave my cutting instructions to the butcher.
  4. Appointments, etc... Not done.  I kept the appointments that were on my calendar, but still haven't got the new ones nailed down.
  5. Reading... Progress.  
  6. Blog goals... Done. I got my review posted on Friday, and I have drafts for the upcoming Blog Hop and review ready.  I will be taking it easy on blogging (which includes visiting other blogs and commenting) while my parents are here.
  7. Sewing and mending. Not done. Although I did get the sewing table a little cleaner, I didn't actually do any of the sewing I should have done.
  8. This week's errands and to-do list: complete. choir, CAP, gym class, shopping trips, and on Friday - a trip to DC to meet my parents' train!
For this week:

  1. Enjoy spending time with Mom and Dad.  
  2. Do the basics with school so we don't get behind.
  3. Keep the house tidy.
  4. Be grateful for Mom's help in the kitchen and with the sewing.
  5. This week's errands and to-do list includes:  shopping, choir, CAP, homeschool moms night out, church activities, and probably some fun outings!
This post is linked up at Real Life: Unscripted.  (New home for Goal Planning Monday!)


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