We have finished our country studies of all but the United States and Canada, so in a way we are nearing the end of Social Studies as well. Obviously the US and Canada are huge in the amount of history we could cover, but since we spent all of last year on American history, we are not going to spend time on it this year. Instead, it will be sort of an overview of the geography of North America, and a quick look at some regional culture and folk art things. We'll give a little more time to Canadian history and culture, and that will finish out the school year. I still have a huge list of recipes we need to go through and pick some things from Central America and the Caribbean.
Both kids are doing well in math right now. Kennady actually likes CTCMath quite well (see our complete Schoolhouse Crew review), so she will continue with that along with Life of Fred through the end of the school year, and I think I'll have her keep working on math through the summer, so she doesn't lose ground.
Landon has been working on an Economics course, and more recently he's also had MicroBusiness for Teens on the go. (We received that to review, so watch for our full review coming up in a few weeks!) Kennady has been doing the MicroBusiness course along with him, so that's interesting!
In other news... this week was a lot more "ordinary" than last week, although we were still busy! I guess "busy" is pretty "normal" around here. Kennady had softball games on Monday and Wednesday. Oh - Monday I ran out of gas!!!!!!! on the way to her softball game! Are you kidding me??? Who does that??? Me. Apparently. I was really low on fuel but should have had enough to drop her at her game (because we had barely enough time to get there) and then scoot to the nearest station and fill up EXCEPT that we got stuck in an epic traffic jam and couldn't get off the highway. Gaaah. So I figured we were late anyway, I was getting off at the first exit and get gas. Yeah, not so much, because the van stalled right at the end of the exit ramp - in sight of the station, really, but it wasn't safe to get out and walk over there because of traffic and all, and I couldn't abandon the vehicle. Also, I didn't happen to have a gas can with me anyway. Stupid. So I had to call AAA and they brought me some gas. On the plus side, we have definitely received our money's worth from the AAA membership this year!! LOL
Okay, back to the more normal stuff.... choirs on Tuesday night. Youth group on Wednesday night. Last night I went to the state curriculum fair, but didn't even buy anything. Other than a frappucino from a homeschool group's yearbook club fundraiser. Cheapest trip to a homeschool fair/convention I have EVER made.
While I was at the fair, Landon was at his first ever Junior-Senior Banquet. Which actually is for junior and senior high homeschool students, not just juniors and seniors. Who knew?! He got his first lesson in tying a tie earlier in the evening.
final rehearsal before the Spring Celebration concert tomorrow! |
On my blog this week...
- Virtual Refrigerator: Papel Picado
- Home School Adventures (A Schoolhouse Crew Review)
- CTC Math (A Schoolhouse Crew Review)
- Studying with Spring Fever
- Beauty Captured: Days 257-264
- Scripture and a Snapshot: April 20, 2014 - Resurrection Sunday
On the bookshelf...
- The Lady of the English - Elizabeth Chadwick
- Meet the Skeptic - Bill Foster
- Falling in Love Again - Marie Higgins
I finished The Ransom by MaryLu Tyndall, but haven't written about it yet. Keep up with what's on my reading list on my book blog, "Just A Second"
This post is linked at Managing Your Blessings, at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers, and at For the Display of His Splendor - see if other homeschoolers have the end of the school year in sight yet.
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©2006-2014 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://kympossibleblog.blogspot.com/
I have ran out of gas before. I almost had to wait 45 minutes for a tow truck to bring me gas. Thankfully my husband wasn't far behind me and brought me gas. I don't think I have heard of the book your daughter is reading. It's hard when they are just not interested in the book. The banquet sounds interesting. Look forward to reading your review to the mircro business class.
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