Friday, March 29, 2019

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress

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Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Welcome to Homeschool Highlights! 
This weekly link-up is your opportunity to share some highlights of what is happening in your homeschool and in your world each week. If you write a wrap-up post at the end of each week, like I've been doing, we'd love to see what you're busy with from week to week. If you'd like to pick a favorite post from your week that spotlights a resource or activity in your homeschool that you'd like to tell others about, we're interested in those too. I'm keeping the guidelines as simple as I can, and they will appear at the bottom of each post, along with the link tool. I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope this will be a source of encouragement and good ideas for all of us.

Grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool news  . . . As I look back over the week, it seems like we just kept steadily on and did our best to fit everything in. Kennady didn't have much, if any, Business homework this week, and had her Writing and History homework under control, so she was able to knock out some Consumer Math and we fit in some Fix-It! Grammar. (Our review of Fix-It! Grammar is coming next week!)

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

In our US History course, we discussed the 1960s this week at co-op. Since I couldn't come up with a fun game for the review and discussion time this week, I just had some classic music that was central to the Civil Rights Movement and Vietnam War protests playing in the background. So we looked at the lesson while listening to We Shall Overcome, People Get Ready, War (What Is It Good For), and Ohio. And we closed our class time by watching the full "I Have a Dream" speech that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave in Washington DC at the Civil Rights March. Let me tell you - that man could preach! So powerful!

I've been dealing with the realization that I still have a lot of curriculum and homeschool 'stuff' that needs to leave our house. I had done quite a bit of purging last spring and summer, but haven't done much about it since then. But the time has come. We had a yard sale style book sale at the co-op yesterday, and I got rid of a box of odds and ends of books and things, and sold a couple of curriculum bundles. Our homeschool fellowship group is taking a step of faith and planning a Homeschool Fair for the middle of May, and I will hopefully be able to unload the rest of my no-longer-needed homeschool stuff there. Bittersweet, y'know?

Other news . . . Saturday was a pretty big day, because finally everything fell into place so that Landon could work on my porch floor! I feel like we've been waiting forever on this. So that was exciting!

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @
Hey, it's progress!

While Landon was doing that, we were working inside, getting the kitchen and dining room reassembled after painting. There was a little touch-up to be done, and we had to make some decisions about where things belonged. I ultimately got my way and the coffee station was moved, but it's now on this table instead of the sideboard. That settled, there were some things to be put up on the walls. Almost all of that is done now. There are two project type things left to do - stain and add the molding; and get new pulls for all the cupboards and drawers.

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @
still in progress - pictures were up on the walls
shortly after I took this photo!

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @
we're now hanging up the cast iron and frypans
and it frees up some drawer and cupboard space
Somehow during all of that I did something to my hip - I could barely walk by Saturday evening. We were the worship team on Sunday morning, so that was fun standing at the keyboard and walking up and down the steps to the stage when I was in so much pain. On the plus side, I knew there was no way I was able to stand for long enough to cook any lunch, so we got takeout barbecue! On Sunday evening it was hockey as usual for the hubster, so he came home with the OFBG (Old Fat Bald Guys) Winter 2019 Best Defenceman award. That's a wall of Megablocks painted gold, in case you're wondering about the authenticity and prestige of this award!

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Thankfully  my hip was improved enough that I was able to work on Monday and things started to get back to normal. I had Homeschool Moms Night Out on Monday evening, and we had all our usual activities going on during the week.  Of course I started feeling like I was coming down with a cold yesterday, and I feel yucky today too, so the progress may be slowing down for the weekend.

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @
signs of spring!

What's Working . . . I started using the US History Crash Course videos in my co-op class and I wish I'd thought of doing it sooner! These videos are a really fun way to cram a lot of information into an entertaining and humorous clip, and they have been great for introducing the topics covered in our History units.

I recommend . . . visiting the March 2019 Homeschool Collection on the Homeschool Review Crew blog to see what Crew members are sharing this month.

Homeschool Collection {Monthly Round UP}

On my blogs last week . . .

Here on Homeschool Coffee Break:

Virtual Refrigerator - McCarthyism Poster
How Do You Handle Subjects Your Kids Dislike or Struggle With?

McCarthyism Poster on the Virtual Refrigerator  - share your art posts on our Virtual Refrigerator - an art link-up hosted by Homeschool Coffee Break @
Who Can You Trust? by Kat, March 2019

And on my book blog, Just A Second:

Just A Second is where I share book reviews and other book-related things, and update on what's on my bookshelf. This week I finished and reviewed Downsizing The Family Home: What to Save, What to Let Go by Marni Jameson, and I've been reading:

The Golden Bride (Daughters of the Mayflower) by Kimberley Woodhouse
The Blue Castle by L.M. Montgomery
Transcripts Made Easy by Janice Campbell
A Dangerous Collaboration (A Veronica Speedwell Mystery) by Deanna Raybourn

A parting shot . . . 

Homeschool Highlights - The Week We Made Progress on Homeschool Coffee Break @

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  • Your blog should be family-friendly content, and your post should include something about homeschooling. If I don't see homeschooling in it, I might have to delete the link, and I feel bad when I need to do that. 
  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog's homepage.
  • Please include a link in your post to Homeschool Coffee Break - you may use the graphic above if you wish. 
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Joesette said...

I love the front porch! What a great place to spend time! I'm glad you're hip is better!

Joanne said...

The kitchen looks great and it must be so nice to have the flooring of the porch worked on!

Dawn said...

That porch is going to be marvelous. I get the bitter sweet of letting all that curriculum go. I am only two years out from that myself.
Blessings, Dawn

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