Friday, May 22, 2020

Five Minute Friday - Forward

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

one step forward, two steps back
forward thinking
keep moving forward

I'm reminding myself of the things I have to look forward to. I need something to look forward to - it helps me think ahead and keep moving forward, especially when life gets to be a drag. When I was a young mom and we had moved far away from our family and friends, I was lonely and a bit isolated, and the days started running together. It sure helped me when I heard from a family member that they were planning to come visit in a couple of months. or to know that Christmas was coming, or our own vacation. 

We all need to be able to look forward. Looking backward isn't bad, because we need to see where we've been and to learn from those experiences. But what we're looking at is what we'll steer towards. We learn that in drivers ed, and I think it applies to life in general. Look at where we're going and where we want to go. Checking the rear view mirror and knowing what's around us helps keep us safe and gives us reference points but most of the time, as drivers, we need to be focused on the road ahead.

It could be argued that many of us have lost forward momentum during the lockdown period. We don't know for sure where we're going and how long it might take to get there. At times we're not even sure who is driving! It's discouraging and disheartening to feel directionless, or as if we have little control over . . . well, anything. 

Just keep looking and moving forward. Maybe now is a time when we're not looking very far down the road, but just going one mile at a time, crawling along. But at least we can keep going forward, even if it's slow going. I might not be able to see very far forward on my calendar or my longer term goals, but I should be able to steer towards where I want to be personally by the end of this day. I might not have a vacation planned yet that I can look forward to, but I've got a long weekend starting today. 


But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. ~II Peter 3:13-14


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Forward".

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Unknown said...

Thank you for the word of encouragement. I lost forward momentum for awhile because so much I was looking forward to got cancelled but I feel like God is casting a new forward and giving space for all of us to be creative.And when my soul is downcast oh to look forward to our new home. Thank you for the reminders. Visiting from FMF #13

Andrew said...

I darn well keep going,
keep the hammer down,
dust from underwheel is blowing
and you won't see me frown,
'cause as I drive I am improving
my deep badass tan,
and the fact don't need no proving
that I'm the Marlboro Man,
in my cut-down Chevy truck
(I chopped off the roof),
this is so way more than luck,
and baby, here's the proof:
destiny is not perfection,
'caue life's the road, not the direction.

More Fruit Less Nuts said...

We just keep chipping away 😊 thank you #fmf#10

Jennifer said...

I definitely think I'm losing forward momentum. Sigh. Thanks for the encouragement..and good verse to go with it!

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