Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Dear Homeschool Mom . . . Come To A Quiet Place

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Dear Homeschool Mom . . . I know there are times when you are tired and discouraged and need a pick-me-up. I know there are times when things have been going so great that you're excited and eager but you're also running out of energy to keep up the pace. I also know that there are times when you don't realize it yet, but you'll need a little extra to be prepared. God knows the times you've been there, and the times that are coming, and he also knows exactly what you need. Make sure you take the time to get the rest and alone time you need, the time when the Holy Spirit can refresh and prepare you.


The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, 
"Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

~Mark 6:30-31~

What were the disciples reporting to Jesus? He had sent them out to teach and preach in the surrounding areas, and they had all just returned to tell him about their experiences. In Mark 6:7-13, Jesus gave them authority over evil spirits and commissioned them to go out in pairs and preach in the towns. They preached repentance, drove out many demons, and anointed many people for healing. Exhilarating experiences, but exhausting as well, I would think.

It sounds like the whole time they were giving their updates over dinner, they were being interrupted by the noise and traffic of crowds around them. Probably people coming and wanting to talk to Jesus or ask for healing as well. Maybe there were people wanting to listen in on the reports. Perhaps the disciples were eagerly giving their reports and getting fired up to go out and do more, or perhaps they really felt drained even as they rejoiced in what God had done through them. Either way, Jesus knew that what they needed was a time to eat their meal in peace, and to rest and recharge. 

And in his goodness, Jesus invited his disciples to take a break from the busy-ness and chaos, to sit down to a leisurely meal with uninterrupted conversation, and to enjoy some peace and quiet and a time of rest. Not just alone time, but alone time with Jesus. And we all need this, don't we? We all need to recognize when we need a break. When it's time to put our feet up and lay our head back and rest awhile. When it's our turn to receive and be fed. 

Listen to the compassionate voice of Jesus when he gently says, "Come to a quiet place and let's talk while you rest." He knows what you need now, and how you'll need to be prepared for the coming days.

Do you know what happened next in this story? Jesus and the disciples had gone by themselves in a boat so they could have some quiet, but the crowds were waiting for them when they came ashore. And having met the needs of his disciples, Jesus went ahead to meet the needs of the crowds. He spent the rest of the day teaching them, and then invited the disciples to give the crowds something to eat. With the bread that they had. They didn't realize it, but they were prepared. 

Because they had been with Jesus.

The original version of this post appeared on Just A Second on October 24, 2020 - Scripture and a Snapshot - A Quiet Place

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