Friday, November 6, 2020

Five Minute Friday - Ahead

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

I'll never get ahead
ahead of the curve
ahead of his time
looking ahead


I'm not ahead - I'm behind. I was ready to write this in the morning, but got distracted and kept working on other things instead, and now it's dark and I'm drinking my evening coffee and I'm still not ahead. In fact I feel very behind when I think of all I could have or should have done today but didn't.

But can I ever really get ahead? I can plan my time better and I'm working on doing that. I can prioritize more wisely so that I do better at getting things done on time. I can look ahead and be prepared sometimes, but I can't actually BE ahead because time moves at the same pace and it simply isn't possible to get ahead of it.

Getting ahead of the curve or getting ahead in life is really just paying attention and preparing and planning for what's ahead. or what we anticipate is ahead. If we're smart and if we're lucky, we'll anticipate correctly most of the time and our planning will pay off. There will be times when we guess wrong or when we make poor choices, but even then we can anticipate some of the things that could go wrong and be ready to roll with those punches. 

But ultimately only God can see ahead clearly and we must rely on him to guide us through.



This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Ahead".

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Amie Wills said...

I once heard someone express the sentiment that you are never “behind”; instead, you just are where you are. That was always encouraging to me. It doesn’t make the to do list any shorter, but it gives me more power over my actions somehow. Hope it helps you too.

AmIe, FMF #20

Jennifer Cook said...

I can look ahead and be prepared sometimes, but I can't actually BE ahead because time moves at the same pace and it simply isn't possible to get ahead of it....your words.

Your words are honest and true.

Thank you for this gentle reminder and for coming alongside me as a mom who is trying to stay ahead, but we recognize we can never truly be ahead. We can just walk with the Lord along the way.
Jennifer, FMF Neighbor

Liz Manning said...

I was thinking the same as Amie. I used to get so frustrated if my prayer time or writing time got interrupted - but what if these interruptions were God-sent?
So maybe you're not ahead or behind but right where He wants you?
Your FMF Neighbour #33

Annette said...

I like that perspective...that we can't actually ever be ahead time is simply what it is. :)

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