Thursday, December 10, 2020

Twenty-Six Lists - Winter Fun - #twentysixlists

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Welcome to Twenty Six Lists! I hope you'll join me in using some fun List prompts for writing. Every other week I'll share a writing prompt and invite you to link up your list, and wherever the prompt takes you. You may want to simply make a list of five or ten items that answer the prompt, or you may elaborate on the items in your list, or even write an entire article. Be creative, and have fun!

Granted, our ideas of winter weather and the kinds of activities we like to do in winter are greatly affected by where we live! When I lived in western Canada, winter was longer and involved more snow, even if we had chinooks to break it up. On the other hand, things almost never shut down because of snow. Here in Maryland, the temperatures don't get quite so cold, and we don't have nearly as much snow on the ground through most of the winter, but when it's icy I'm just as happy when there are closings. Sadly, we seldom have a white Christmas here though. This week's list is about the things we like to do in winter, whether inside or out!

(My list will be very short to begin with, because I am awaiting a new computer and am limited what I can do with my chromebook. Being rushed into buying a new computer was NOT on my wish list! I'm planning to add more to this later on.)

List #25 - Winter Activities

-winter walks when it's not too cold
-staying cozy by the fire inside, preferably with a steaming mug of coffee or hot chocolate
-birdwatching - I'm very low key about this, no photos or cataloging of the birds I see. But we have a birdfeeder right outside the window by my desk, and I love keeping an eye out for the cardinals and blue jays especially, with their bold colors against the dull brown background colors of what's left of the lawn and shrubs.
-baking is just better in the winter, or perhaps it's just that I'm more motivated in the winter. I especially like baking bread, but I'll bake cookies and cakes and muffins and all kinds of things when I have time. 

A little bit more later, I hope!

What's on your list? Link up or tell me in the comments!

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Bonus List - Upcoming in Twenty Six Lists so you can think ahead! Just one left!

December 24 - Christmas and Holiday Traditions

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Lori - At Home: where life happens said...

I enjoying watching birds, too. And honestly, hot tea is just better when it is cold outside. :)

Joanne said...

I haven't put my winter list together yet; I'm pretty sure I have it scheduled soon (not sure how I got my lists off kilter with your link up). However we too like to hike when it's not too cold or icy and curling up by the fire is always high on my list!

Annette said...

i like making bread too but usually end up making rolls or buns. The lads each them better than a loaf of bread. :)

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