Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Currently . . . August 4th

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Time for another "Currently" link-up with Anne in Residence. Anne posts five action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. I'm late in the day here and still have a few things on my to-do list before I can head to bed. Looking forward to checking in with everyone tomorrow!

admiring the birds at the feeders, the flowers in the yard, and the sunset views from my front porch. 

This isn't a great photo, but this is the barn swallow that chose our front porch for a nest site.

Barn swallow eggs! They hatched about a week ago, but I haven't got a clear photo of the babies yet.


anticipating an upcoming mini-vacation and also some more time at home! Today is my last day at my job for awhile and I'm actually looking forward to having more time at home. Who knows? I might even find time to tackle some of the projects that I've been procrastinating on for oh, so long. We have a little vacation coming up this month too. We'll go see our son for a couple days and then do a side trip for another day or two.

enjoying the last few weeks of summer before school starts. I stepped out of my part time job so that gives me a couple more days at home each week, and I know I'll be very glad of that once Kennady starts university and I start teaching at the co-op again. Our evenings are relatively free as well, and I don't yet know how much that will change in September, but it surely will change. Yes, there's a sense that this is a calm before the storm, but I am enjoying it all the same.

spending so much money these few weeks! Don't you hate when everything that costs money happens all at once? We paid insurance and taxes, and we had a car repair bill, a roof repair bill, a tractor repair bill . . . over the past couple of weeks. And we'll be spending more money real soon - installation of our new dining room door and new flooring! And Kennady starts university in a couple of weeks, which I'm sure will impact our pocketbooks somehow too, don't you think?

saving some wear and tear on my knees by quitting my job. Well, not quitting exactly. I took a leave of absence, but without a definite return date, so it's kind of the same as quitting. It was getting so hard on my knees, and I reached a point where I knew I needed to give them a rest. This fall I will follow up with the doctor and we'll discuss the likely timeline for a knee replacement. 


This post is linked at Anne in Residence for this month's  "Currently".

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Shooting Stars Mag said...

Sorry to hear about your knee, but it sounds like you had the best decision by stepping away from your part time job. I have bad knees myself - not where I need surgery, but I do have a lot of aches and pains throughout my body.


Anne said...

Enjoy your time at home - I'm in nesting mode here, so time at home to putter around with little projects is my favorite thing :) And what lovely flowers and sunset views from your yard!

Joanne said...

Spending really does seem to come in droves at times doesn't it?! I hate when that happens! I hope if you have to have knee replacement surgery that all will go well.

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