Assignment: Write out some goals that you would like to accomplish. These goals should include your personal goals, but also goals as a family.
While setting goals, try to write out small attainable rewards for each goal accomplished!
get back to our schedule. Of course during busy holiday seasons, our homeschool schedule gets pushed aside, but I know that having one to follow helped the kids and definitely helped me to manage our time better. Following the schedule will also help with something else that doesn't come naturally for me: work before play. And I need to set a better example in that area! Reward = the satisfaction of getting a little more done on each day's "To Do List" Having some time for "me" will also be my reward for getting something useful done.
be more consistent in my personal devotion time, prayer, and Bible study. I tend towards doing things whenever I think of them, but with something as important as time spent in the Word and in prayer shouldn't be left to chance! This is related to following the schedule too, I suppose. I started just this week making a list of everyday activities to use as prayer prompts to help me pray more throughout the day and with better focus. For example, as I make coffee and lunch for my DH in the morning, I pray specifically for him and his work. Reward = closer relationship with the LORD.
declutter the house! This is something we've been working on for awhile, and as we've turned our thoughts toward Christmas wish lists, this issue has been highlighted again. We have too much stuff. Most of it is not important stuff either - oh it's nice and we enjoy much of it, but we really don't need to have ALL of it, and I believe we'd enjoy the stuff that we decide to keep more if we got rid of the less worthy stuff. This will be an ongoing project and I will need to have some tangible rewards along the way, for myself and for the kids as I encourage them to let go of stuff as well. Reward = cleaner, more peaceful home - and some treats along the way... will have to think more about those. I'm sure we will find things we would sell which might mean a little income reward.
be more positive and "gentle" in my family interactions. I am trying to be more conscious of the things I'm communicating to my kids not just in WHAT I say but HOW I say it. Being "gentle" isn't a natural tendency for me.I need to remember to SPEAK the positive things to my kids instead of just thinking them, and encourage and praise them more than I criticize them. And I need to yell less. (I think every mother says this LOL) Reward = better relationships
develop healthy habits and kick some unhealthy habits. Yeah, that includes weight loss of course.But more than just shedding some extra pounds, there are other habits to work on for myself and for the family - things like drinking more water and less soda, better overall eating habits, getting regular exercise, etc. Reward = better health. And maybe for every x number of pounds lost I will have to buy a new item of clothing. And get rid of the things that are too big, in keeping with my goal of decluttering! Ha!
These are the goals that first came to mind! I'm sure there are many more that I could add, but I'll leave it at these for now.
Praying for you and the goals you have set. May God bless you. Merry CHRISTmas!
Your classmate,
Thank you for being my friend!
I think that we all need to pay attention to how we speak and learn to speak more positively. We all have our "moments." I am making a conscious, concentrated effort to pay attention to how I speak not just to my family but to others as well. I want to speak words of life.
Hope you have a wonderful week!
and well stated. I could have put everyone of those on my own list. I'm praying that you will achieve them. Have a merry Christmas and a new year filled with His blessings.
I love your goals. I can definitely relate to the being more gentle with your kids. Speaking in a gentle manner is something I am going to be working on also. (I love the weight loss goal=new clothes + decluttering old ones.)
Merry Christmas!
I, too, need to work on the decluttering!
Praying that all your goals are met! In the mean time, I wish you a Happy and Holy Christmas, Nadolig Llawen - (Welsh greetings!!),
Ouch! LOL!
Quite possibly every mom's list! =D
Wow, great goals. This was an excellent assignments. Makes us think of what is really important and what we need to work on. I pray you get them all accomplished this coming year!
My assignment:
I feel like you were reading my mind!!! I should've written all those goals for myself. I make an AWESOME schedule every year and then life happens and less and less gets checked off my daily to do list. But I have actually been decluttering and have a hallway full of boxes to drop off at charity, at least I will get one more deduction before 2007 ends! Good luck with your goals.
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