Saturday, April 21, 2012

Homeschooling Mother's Journal: In Which Spring Has Sprung

In our homeschool... the week started out with a couple days of me just hoping that the kids were getting something done on their own, because I was busy playing the part of taxi driver.  But the end of the week went a little better.  Charles Ives was the composer we studied this week.  In Social Studies, we  studied the Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania); and we did our last Science lesson of the year this week too!

We made room in our weekly menu for a couple of dishes inspired by our study of some of the countries of Eastern Europe - Beef Stroganoff (we do the cheap version, with ground beef) from Russia; Chicken Paprika from Hungary; and a cheese bread called Khachapuri (which is really from Georgia, in Asia).  The cheese bread was especially popular, and was really easy to make with the shortcut of using frozen bread dough.

In other news...  spring is truly upon us - we watched a lot of hockey, and Kennady started her softball season.

It's a shame they don't use the scoreboard - I think it's pretty neat.

One of my favorite things...  believe it or not - fog.  As long as I'm not driving in it, that is.  But a morning fog is really very pretty.

Questions/thoughts I have...  it's nearing the end of April - where has the time gone?  The school year will be over before we know it.  We still haven't made any plans for vacation.

A photo/video/quote or link to share... is a pretty neat website that allows you to look up locations mentioned in the Bible on an interactive map.

On the bookshelf...
  • The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Teens by Debra Bell
  • Madame Tussaud by Michelle Moran
  • Ben & Me by Cameron Gunn
  • Brightest Heaven of Invention by Peter J. Leithart
  • The Library Paradox by Catherine Shaw
I finished The Duchess and the Dragon by Jamie Carie.

A parting shot...

This post is linked to The Homeschool Chick - see what spring activities other homeschoolers are busy with!
The Homeschool Mother's Journal


Unknown said...

Go, Kennady! Cati starts softball on Monday (if it's not rained out) and Sam starts Track and Field. (Fortunately Adam is missing Cub Scouts so that we can get the kids to their activities! Ugh! LOL)

Yummy food! we're hoping to do some international cooking next year!

Great photo of the spider web!

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