Thursday, March 20, 2014

Virtual Refrigerator: Up Close and Far Away

Welcome to another edition of the Virtual Refrigerator! This weekly blog hop is co-hosted by A Glimpse of Our LifeAngels of HeartHomeschool Coffee Break, and Every Bed of Roses. We all cordially invite you to add your link sharing the art that's on your Virtual Refrigerator and then hop over to the other blogs and admire what's on their Fridges!
Whew! We have been busy with one thing and another lately, and Kennady only did one art project. In this one, the instructions were to draw on black paper with a white pencil, and to draw an object seen up close and then from far away. Kennady drew a miniature birdhouse. Here's the original:
Virtual Refrigerator

Here's her close-up:
Virtual Refrigerator
and far away:
Virtual Refrigerator
This simple drawing exercise helps kids draw what they SEE, not what they think should be there.

You can grab the button above and add it to your post. Add your link here to share your child's art or your arts and crafts how-to posts. Please visit the other blogs and admire what's on their Virtual Refrigerators!

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 ©2006-2014 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


Stacie said...

Very nice drawings. I like the near and far idea. I also like the idea of white pencil on black paper as well.

Chareen said...

Clever idea. Lovely drawings

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