Thursday, July 28, 2016

52 Lists - Sports I Like to Watch

52 Lists - Sports I Like to Watch on Homeschool Coffee Break @

This week we're making lists of sports we like to watch or play and linking up at 52 Lists at Chasing Slow. And honestly, I don't much care for playing sports, but I do like watching some.

Sports I like to watch include:
  1. Hockey! I grew up in Calgary, so I've been a Flames fan all along. My other favorite teams are the St. Louis Blues (just because? I don't know.) and the Washington Capitals (because they're the most local team for us now. My hubby's favorite team is the Montreal Canadiens, and that's actually how Kennady got her name. True story. She is Kennady Anne - try it with the French accent and you'll get it. We mostly watch NHL hockey on TV, but occasionally we get up to Hershey to see the AHL team, the Bears. My hubby still plays hockey, but I don't get to watch his games that often. Their league is mostly for fun, but they hold a couple of tournaments and events each year, and I try to get to those.  (See more at H is for Hockey)
  2. Baseball. I watched a lot of baseball in the years when my boys played in the community leagues. I enjoy going to MLB and minor league games, and in fact our summer vacation coming up will take us to three major league parks and we're pretty excited about it. I sometimes watch televised games, but mostly during the playoffs and World Series. My favorite team is the Toronto Blue Jays. Locally we have the Baltimore Orioles, and one of their farm teams, the Frederick Keys. (See more at B is for Baseball (History Lesson))
  3. Softball. Which I don't watch that much any more, but I sure loved it when my daughter was playing! (See more at S is for Softball)
  4. Olympics, especially the Winter Games. Clearly, the favorite event for me is hockey, but I also enjoy figure skating (even though I think it's mostly fixed!), skiing, bobsled and curling. In 1988, we still lived in Calgary when they hosted the Winter Games, and attended some Olympic hockey games! (I was even in the choir that sang in the Opening Ceremonies - see more at My Favorite Olympic Winter Games I spend less time watching the Summer Games, but I try to catch some of the gymnastics, swimming, diving, track events, and rowing. And just whatever happens to be on. 

52 Lists - Sports I Like to Watch on Homeschool Coffee Break @

52 Lists - Sports I Like to Watch on Homeschool Coffee Break @

52 Lists - Sports I Like to Watch on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Olympic Winter Games 1988

Olympic Winter Games

What sports do you like to play or watch? Leave a comment and let me know, and visit Chasing Slow to see other lists.

52 lists with Chasing Slow

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Annette said...

I love watching the Olympics too...sadly this year we'll miss most of it.

Brittney said...

Baseball is the one major professional sport I like to watch. I do enjoy the Olympics though.

~a homemaker said...

I'm not much a sports fan, but I do enjoy the Olympics and have been enjoying the summer events right now.

Joanne said...

I love watching the Olympics!

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