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Welcome to Homeschool Highlights!
This weekly link-up is your opportunity to share some highlights of what is happening in your homeschool and in your world each week. If you write a wrap-up post at the end of each week, like I've been doing, we'd love to see what you're busy with from week to week. If you'd like to pick a favorite post from your week that spotlights a resource or activity in your homeschool that you'd like to tell others about, we're interested in those too. I'm keeping the guidelines as simple as I can, and they will appear at the bottom of each post, along with the link tool. I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope this will be a source of encouragement and good ideas for all of us.
Homeschool news . . . Not a bad week, overall, even though we didn't manage time to work on Science. Kennady seems to be keeping up with her schoolwork for the most part, but I need to figure out how to be available to work with her on Mondays and Wednesdays. The last few weeks I've been failing at that, to be honest! I'm feeling a bit panicky, realizing that today is the end of the third quarter on the traditional school calendar. That means that we really should be about three quarters of the way through everything, and . . . well . . . we are just NOT. So we have our work cut out for us, but I think we can do it. Or most of it anyway!
We wrapped up our review of Creating A Masterpiece, but Kennady will continue using the website and creating more masterpieces. And we are now starting out on another art review - this time we're looking at ArtAchieve. We've got another couple of reviews going too. Which reminds me . . . I need to update the list of reviews in the sidebar!
Plans are coming together for our group's high school co-op! We'll be offering Spanish, French, Latin, Writing Non-fiction, Speech & Presentation, Economics, and Biology; which is a pretty good selection for just starting out.
We wrapped up our review of Creating A Masterpiece, but Kennady will continue using the website and creating more masterpieces. And we are now starting out on another art review - this time we're looking at ArtAchieve. We've got another couple of reviews going too. Which reminds me . . . I need to update the list of reviews in the sidebar!
Plans are coming together for our group's high school co-op! We'll be offering Spanish, French, Latin, Writing Non-fiction, Speech & Presentation, Economics, and Biology; which is a pretty good selection for just starting out.
Other news . . . Our Saturday was very busy, with all of us headed different directions in the morning. Kennady and I traveled together - to a ladies paint brunch at church, where we painted these daisy pictures -
Nice weather at the beginning of the week gave way to another bout of cold mid-week, but today it's a bit warmer and raining.
Here on Homeschool Coffee Break:
Science: How We See the World on The Homeschool Post
Virtual Refrigerator - Painted Daisies
Creating a Masterpiece - A Homeschool Coffee Break Review
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer
by Peggy Miracle Consolver
My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss, Texas: Priscilla’s Reveille
by Erica Vetsch
The Trees Will Clap
by Bonnie Mae Evans
In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen
Daisies by KAT, March 2017 |
Daisies by Kym, March 2017 |
Then we had a funeral service to attend in the afternoon, and the kids went bowling in the evening. On Sunday, we actually attended another funeral. Both services were beautiful tributes to well-loved ladies from our church, but y'know, I'm hoping I don't have another funeral to go to for awhile now.
I had a new and not so wonderful experience on Monday - my first colonoscopy. Oh, the joys of turning 50. The prep and the procedure were not all that bad. The nurse mentioned to me that since I'd finished the prep, the worst part was over. I quickly corrected her that in my case it was not, since they'd have to put an IV in me, and I have terrible veins. My fear was well-founded, because I had three nurses take at least five (literal) stabs at me without any luck, then was taken to the procedure room so the nurse and anesthesiologist could give it a try. Which didn't go that well either. They finally got a vein, but it blew, so it was back to the drawing board. In the end, I was just about ready to pass out by the time they successfully got a vein, but it was easy from there. My arms felt rather like pincushions and are slightly bruised so I've been wearing long sleeves!
Nice weather at the beginning of the week gave way to another bout of cold mid-week, but today it's a bit warmer and raining.
What's Important . . . this little sweetheart, and I'm excited that I'll be able to visit her next week!

I recommend . . . going to a paint night class if you get the chance!
On my blogs last week . . .
Here on Homeschool Coffee Break:
Science: How We See the World on The Homeschool Post
Virtual Refrigerator - Painted Daisies
Creating a Masterpiece - A Homeschool Coffee Break Review

And on my book blog, Just A Second:
Book Blogger Hop - March 24, 2017
Wordless Wednesday - Painted Daisies
What I'm Reading - March 20, 2017
Scripture and a Snapshot - Surround Me
Book Blogger Hop - March 24, 2017
Wordless Wednesday - Painted Daisies
What I'm Reading - March 20, 2017
Scripture and a Snapshot - Surround Me
Just A Second is where I share book reviews and other book-related things, and update on what's on my bookshelf. This week I've been reading:
Shepherd, Potter, Spy and the Star Namer
My Heart Belongs in Fort Bliss, Texas: Priscilla’s Reveille
The Trees Will Clap
In Farleigh Field by Rhys Bowen
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Homeschool Highlights guidelines:
- Your blog should be family-friendly content, and your post should include something about homeschooling.
- Please link directly to your post, not your blog's homepage.
- Please include a link in your post to Homeschool Coffee Break - you may use the graphic above if you wish.
- Visit a couple of the other bloggers and comment or share.
I will be linking up my own posts at the following weekly link parties that you may also be interested in: Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers; The Homeschool Nook Link-up Party hosted by Chaotic Bliss Homeschooling and Busy Boys Brigade; and Homeschool Blog & Tell at The Homeschool Post.
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©2006-2017 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.
That face! And those flower paintings! I just love them!
Sorry for your bruised arms!
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