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Some of the things around the web that I've been reading or exploring during recent coffee breaks:
- I think the season for writing college essays is earlier in the year, but with fall semester starting soon, this article at Grown & Flown was a timely read: Director of Admission Shares the Truth about College Essays. Kennady just submitted a batch of scholarship applications, and a couple of short essays were required, so I adapted this advice a little. And now we are hoping for good news!
- Want to Feel Happier Today? Try Talking to a Stranger on the NPR website shares research indicating that even brief friendly interactions with strangers boosts our mood. I feel like if we all made an effort to smile and engage with people around us instead of staring at our phones, surely the world would be a better place.
- I really liked this story on ClassicFM about an effort to make the world a better place: This parent and baby choir is supporting new mums while making beautiful music. An expectant mother in Bristol was inspired to form a choir of other pregnant women with the idea that they could make music together and support each other through motherhood. The choir now includes moms and dads and grandparents, and of course the children are all welcome. The benefits of choral singing combined with the benefits of community - what's not to love?
- Speaking of music, here's a fun way to learn some music theory - The Music Theory Song.
Some fun things I've found during coffee breaks:
All of my kids were at least slightly star damaged on their recent retreat. Dermatologic repairs are now almost complete.
Some things Homechool Review Crew members are sharing:
- Recent Crew reviews include: products from Home School in the Woods and Apologia's Exploring Creation with General Science. Watch for the 2019 Not Back to School Homeschool Blog Hop coming very soon!
What I've been reading during longer coffee breaks:
Unshakeable: A Story of Unwavering Faith and Conviction
by Elizabeth Wiens
A Study In Scarlet Women (The Lady Sherlock Series)
by Sherry Thomas
The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the Secrets of the World's Happiest Country
by Helen Russell
Find out more at my book blog Just A Second.
Found anything interesting on the web lately? Read any good books? Leave a comment and let me know!
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