Friday, January 3, 2020

Homeschool Highlights - Beginning the New Year

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Welcome to Homeschool Highlights! 
This weekly link-up is your opportunity to share some highlights of what is happening in your homeschool and in your world each week. If you write a wrap-up post at the end of each week, like I've been doing, we'd love to see what you're busy with from week to week. If you'd like to pick a favorite post from your week that spotlights a resource or activity in your homeschool that you'd like to tell others about, we're interested in those too. I'm keeping the guidelines as simple as I can, and they will appear at the bottom of each post, along with the link tool. I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope this will be a source of encouragement and good ideas for all of us.

If you would be interested in taking over this link-up, please let me know! I've loved hosting you, but because my youngest has graduated and my schedule is changing, I would love to pass the baton to someone else.

Grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!

This week's news  . . . After the very full and exciting Christmas week, we were all okay with a quieter weekend. I did work on Saturday, and I honestly don't even remember what everyone else did! Sunday was a blur as well, although I do remember making waffles and awesome sauce (again!) for lunch. Monday was back to work for some of us. I shared the ride to work and home again with Meaghan, and we also brought William home to spend the evening with us.

I thought we'd be mostly at home on Tuesday, but I was out longer than I expected in the morning, looking after things at the church office and picking up some groceries. Kennady and I gave Meaghan a ride to work and did a little shopping in town. When we got home, I had to get cracking on preparing some food to take along to our New Years Eve party. The hubster and I spent the evening with good friends as we have for the past many years, and the kids all went to an all night gathering with their young adult group from church. All of us were safe and had a good time!

The hubster and I slept late (for us!) on New Years Day, but did make sure we were up to welcome Landon, Meaghan, and Kennady home - at least briefly. Landon and Meaghan both needed to get to work, and Kennady went to spend the afternoon with William. We still had to get together for our worship team practice in the evening, but that was pretty easy since it was just our family this week!

On Thursday my plans for a very quiet day at home were dashed once again. It was necessary for our homeschool co-op board members to have a meeting to discuss an urgent issue that had come up. I did that in the afternoon, provided a ride to work, and then finally had some downtime at home in the evening.

What's New . . . A new year means new calendars, which I always enjoy! I don't really do New Years Resolutions, but I'm working on making up my Bucket List for the year, and I guess that's a little like resolutions. My birthday is at the end of December so for the past few years I've been making a list of 50 Things for 50 Years (or whatever birthday I just celebrated - it's more than 50 now!). A lot of the things on my list are just fun things I'd like to do or places I'd like to go, some are self-improvement type things or home improvement things. Some are ongoing and some are one time only.

On my blogs last week . . .

Here on Homeschool Coffee Break:

A New Year: An Old Celebration

And on my book blog, Just A Second:

Share Four Somethings - December 2019
Monthly Bookshelf Review - December 2019
Recent Reads - Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge
Scripture and a Snapshot - Overjoyed

Just A Second is where I share book reviews and other book-related things, and update on what's on my bookshelf. This week I finished and reviewed Tiny Tim and the Ghost of Ebenezer Scrooge by Norman Whaler, and I've been reading:

Penny For Your Secrets by Anna Lee Huber
Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie

A parting shot . . . Family game night dominoes tournament ended with Spencer building a monument to the occasion.

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Homeschool Coffee Break

Homeschool Highlights guidelines:
  • Your blog should be family-friendly content, and your post should include something about homeschooling. If I don't see homeschooling in it, I might have to delete the link, and I feel bad when I need to do that. 
  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog's homepage.
  • Please include a link in your post to Homeschool Coffee Break - you may use the graphic above if you wish. 
  • Visit a couple of the other bloggers and comment or share.

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