Saturday, May 2, 2020

Five Minute Friday - Distraction

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

we need a distraction


When they're plotting a major heist or an escape in the movies, there's this scene where someone says, "okay, we need a distraction!" Something to take the attention of the guards elsewhere, and allow the thieves to get away with the goods or the prisoners to slip through the bars.

We really do need distractions sometimes. A distraction can be a good thing if it disrupts our focus on something we shouldn't be fixated on. The distraction can allow us to reset. Kind of like when a toddler is freaking out about something, and we look for something to distract them from their disproportionate reaction to a small thing. Often that distraction causes the child to forget what he was so angry about, because it really wasn't that big a deal.

Obviously distractions can take our attention away from the things we should be focusing on, and that is not good. Keeping our eye on the prize is the way to power through hard times and persevere.

Will I allow myself to be distracted from the things that don't matter, and put those things in perspective? Will I resist the temptation to be distracted from things that are truly important?


When you are hunting elephants, don't get distracted chasing rabbits. ~T. Boone Pickens
Ironically, I wrote late in the day on Friday and then got distracted so I decided to publish on Saturday morning instead! 

This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Distraction".

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Unknown said...

Good Word! Great question to ask. May we keep the Main Thing the main thing.

Andrew said...

The last time that I robbed a bank
(now do not feel alarm!)
our distraction was a tank
we borrowed from Saddam.
I guess we failed at subtlety,
I guess we failed at tact,
but there was a Kuwaiti plea:
"We want our money back!"
The manager ws quite resigned,
and really quite cooperative,
a state to which he was inclined
by his fate being operative.
He opened vault, didn't need the gun,
and so missed out on half the fun!

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