Thursday, May 7, 2020

Virtual Refrigerator - May 2020 - This Is Fine

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Jolly Old Elf on the Virtual Refrigerator  - share your art posts on our Virtual Refrigerator - an art link-up hosted by Homeschool Coffee Break @

Boy, it seems like a lifetime ago that I hosted an art link-up called the Virtual Refrigerator. It was a lot of fun, but as my student got older and did fewer art projects, I found it harder to come up with new exhibits for my own Virtual Fridge. I hoped to find a new host to pass it on, but that didn't work out, so the link-up was just suspended. I'm sure there are others out there who are doing something similar. But recently it occurred to me that my college freshman is finding time again to do some artwork, so maybe I could revive the Virtual Fridge for a little while to share some of her projects. Maybe others would like to display some artistic endeavors as well. So I'm opening the link-up for this month and we'll see what happens.

This little painting - her version of a little cartoon we've seen online - is our expression of how we're handling lockdown!

This Is Fine by Kat, March 2020

Would you be interested in hosting The Virtual Refrigerator? Contact me or leave a comment and let me know! The original Virtual Refrigerator link-up has been hosted and co-hosted by myself and others for many years before being suspended at the end of 2019. 

The current link-up is open for the entire month of May.

Welcome to the Virtual Refrigerator art link-up! Share the artwork created in your homeschool. Add your link and then hop over to the other blogs and admire what's on their Fridges too! The Virtual Fridge link-up is open all month.
Virtual Refrigerator posts on Homeschool Coffee Break

Now it's your turn! Join us by sharing your art posts here on the Virtual Fridge!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter

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 ©2006-2020 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. 

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