Thursday, October 29, 2020

Twenty-Six Lists - Favorite Costumes - #twentysixlists

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Welcome to Twenty Six Lists! I hope you'll join me in using some fun List prompts for writing. Every other week I'll share a writing prompt and invite you to link up your list, and wherever the prompt takes you. You may want to simply make a list of five or ten items that answer the prompt, or you may elaborate on the items in your list, or even write an entire article. Be creative, and have fun!

With Halloween only a couple of days away, it might be too late to put together a fabulously creative costume for this year's dress-up events, but you never know. Last night our church held our annual Trunk or Treat event and today is Costume Day at the co-op where I teach. (Unfortunately, I am not at co-op to see the creative costumes. I was not feeling well and decided to nope out of teaching for my comfort and everyone's health.) I put together a list - or a collection of photos - of some of the costumes we've come up with in years past.

List #22 - Costumes

Kennady loves The Nightmare Before Christmas, and is planning to wear her Jack Skellington onesie to a Halloween party this year. Not much effort required!

We found these onesies on clearance at the beginning of the year and bought them for the kids. Not sure the boys plan to wear their wookie onesies out in public, but they could!

A couple years ago, Kennady was a bandito at the church Trunk or Treat, and on October 31st - just a day later I believe - she and I went with a couple of her friends to a Twenty One Pilots concert. All with some bandito touches to our outfits.

Trunk or Treat is such a fun event at church, and we've done a couple different themes for our trunk. Last year we were Daddy and Mummy Pig . . .

and a couple years ago, we did a roadwork theme.

We did the roadwork theme again this year, but I wasn't able to be there myself.

We've always tried to invent our own costumes rather than buy something ready-made. These are a few fun things the kids have come up with the last few years. Kennady did Peter Pan:

She did a French mime:

Face painting is a hobby she does every now and again anyway - not just for Halloween.

One quick and fun costume she did several years ago was Waldo. I hear one of her friends will be doing Waldo this year and I'm looking forward to seeing the photo.

Landon was the Dollar General one year:

While Kennady was a 1920s news reporter:

Dressed up as a Colonial lady:

This was another award-winning costume for Landon - the Swedish chef! He carried around a rubber chicken and a cardboard chef's cleaver.

The Decades Kids - 1980s Landon and 1960s Kennady

And what would a collection of costume photos be without a couple of my granddaughter?! At one year old she was the most adorable little ghost, and just yesterday our son sent photos of her in her Elsa costume.

Such a little charmer!

Share your costume ideas, past and present! Someone will need some inspiration!

What's on your list? Link up or tell me in the comments!

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Bonus List - Upcoming in Twenty Six Lists so you can think ahead!

November 12 - Museums
November 26 - Thankful For . . .
December 10 - Winter Activities
December 24 - Christmas and Holiday Traditions

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Joanne said...

Lots of great costumes!

Annette said...

You've had some interesting costumes over the years. The elsa one is just sweet.

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