Friday, February 26, 2021

Five Minute Friday - Enable

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

enable - to make able; to give power, means, competence, or ability to something or someone; to make possible or easy

Enabling has almost become a negative word recently and I think that's a shame. I guess society has talked so much about enabling bad or destructive behavior that we are starting to forget that enabling good things is positive. What if we talked more about that and looked at how powerful and positive it could be?

We can give our kids the education and discipline and all the tools that enable them to have good options and make good choices. We enable leadership when we allow and encourage people to develop their skills and potential. We can encourage innovation, creativity, and excellence to enable people to solve problems, pursue their passions, and achieve success. 

When I think about the definition in a positive sense, I remember that God promises each of us the ability and means to do great things through his power:

Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. ~John 14:12-14


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Enable".

This post is also part of the Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge hosted by Anita Ojeda. Find all my posts for the challenge here: Write 28 Days Blogging Challenge - Disappointed

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Deirdre said...

Yes!!! Enabling can be good as well. Great point!! :)

Anita Ojeda said...

Yes! It's sad how perfectly good words get a bad rap sometimes! Thank you for pointing out that just as God enables us to do good things, we can work at enabling others to do good things.

Unknown said...

Amen, love the positive spin on the word and how it applies to building up our children!

Lesley Crawford said...

It's interesting how the word "enabling" has taken on such a negative meaning. It's a shame because as you say it can be positive in so many ways!

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Amen! This is so good.
Thanks for sharing.
Visiting from #48

Annette said...

i like how you put this all together, such a nice spin on the word enable

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