Friday, July 30, 2021

Five Minute Friday - Drive

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

your turn to drive
sunday drive

I went for a drive today, for the first time in about a week and a half. I had the car, and my schedule, to myself for the better part of an afternoon, and it was a treat after being stuck at home for so long. 

Why was it fun to do something mundane like buying groceries and running errands? Maybe because I felt like I was in charge of where I was going? I could pick up lunch while I was out, or take a scenic route if I felt like it.

In another area of my life right now, I felt like I'd been backed into a corner and the options I had didn't feel ideal. My drive - my motivation - was lacking and I started questioning what I really wanted to do. While on that drive by myself this afternoon, I thought through the possible options and weighed how I felt about them. And I think I came to a decision, but I knew I'd need to discuss it with my husband.

When I shared my thoughts with him, he stopped me and said unequivocally that I could do whatever I felt best. It would be okay. He put me back in charge, in the driver's seat of that decision. What a privilege! To not be weighted by anyone else's expectation. To be released to go where I wanted to go. 

My decision isn't finalized just yet. This just happened today so I'm still thinking and praying about how to go forward. But I'm in the driver's seat. 

Not all decisions are like that, of course. Sometimes my husband and I wrestle with decisions, and even though one or the other of us is a primary decision-maker in the situation, it may affect us both more significantly, or there may be ripple effects we must consider. Sometimes the decisions are just much harder to come to. 

But whoever is in the driver's seat making decisions, we've already agreed on the map we're following for our lives, and on our destinations. How we get there? What we see on the way? Whoever is taking a turn driving gets to decide.

That's the way I see many of our life decisions. We've chosen to follow God's map and will head to the destination he sets for us. But when we know that and trust the map and listen to him when he gives turn-by-turn directions, he gives us the privilege of driving and the freedom to make the choices. 

Today was truly a free-write. I didn't know what direction this would take when I started, and I don't know how helpful these thoughts are to anyone else this week, but it was a good exercise for me.

This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Drive".

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Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love this.
Thanks for sharing.

E Adams Wright said...

Your post brought Psalm 37:4 to mind: "Delight yourself also in the Lord, And He shall give you the desires of your heart." (NKJV). Thanks for sharing your free write. Blessings. Visiting from FMF.

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