Monday, August 23, 2021

Five Minute Friday (on Monday) - Teach

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

Five Minute Friday - Teach - we are all teachers! Find some extra encouragement if you are also a homeschool teacher or are considering it

teach your children well

I am a teacher. I don't have a teaching degree, but I am a teacher all the same. I realized that I was a teacher when my first child was still a baby, because I had the privilege of teaching all kinds of everyday skills to my little ones. Many things children learn on their own as they develop, but parents need to demonstrate and guide and sometimes actively teach. In that sense I taught my children to walk and talk, to feed themselves, to use the potty, to use good manners, to take turns, and more.

So it was natural that I would also teach them reading, writing, and arithmetic! My teaching role expanded as I became a homeschool teacher. As I gained experience and learned from my homeschooling role models, I also took my turns teaching in homeschool co-ops.

Over the past few years, I've been able to teach in a homeschool tutorial co-op. I don't have a teaching degree, but I am teaching writing skills and literature to teens, and it's one of my favorite things. My own children graduated from my homeschool and have moved on into careers and university, but I still have the privilege of teaching. 

I've had some opportunities to branch out into teaching other homeschool moms too. That looks a little different - no classroom, just encouraging and providing resources, but it is a teaching role. 

I have other teaching roles as well - we all do! - at church and in life. When we pass on the skills or knowledge that we are learning, we are teaching. Teaching is not just for those with degrees in education, and it happens in many settings outside of traditional classrooms or music lessons. Teaching happens at church, among friends, within the family, formally and informally. 

When one teaches, two learn. ~Robert Heinlein

Teaching is the greatest act of optimism. ~Colleen Wilcox

Whatever the opportunities we have to teach, let us teach well and with joy. Let us teach the best of what we have to offer and inspire hope and excellence in everything.

Teaching should be such that what is offered is perceived as a valuable gift and not as a hard duty. ~Albert Einstein

An additional note:  Are you teaching as a homeschool parent, or are you thinking about it? You are already a teacher, even if you've never stood in front of a classroom. And you can do it. As a parent, you are already qualified to direct your child's education because no one is as committed to their success and well-being as you are! If you don't know where to start, or how to choose curriculum, or how to handle subjects that you feel are beyond you, there are many places to turn for help. Homeschool parents are generally excited about helping out, sharing resources, and teaching the ropes to those new to the experience.

Start here, on this little blog, if you like. I've published a number of how-to articles over the years (I've highlighted a couple of them here), and have reviewed lots of homeschool curriculum products. 

How do you handle subjects your kids dislike or struggle with? Part of the How Do You Homeschool series on Homeschool Coffee Break @

For more reviews of homeschool curriculum, visit The Homeschool Review Crew. For homeschool information, encouragement, and curriculum, and more reviews, visit The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine website. The Old Schoolhouse also recently launched Schoolhouse Connect, to help connect homeschoolers with like-minded groups and mentors in their local areas. I'm one of the Schoolhouse Ambassadors in my state, so please feel free to contact me personally for information.

For a one-stop curriculum hub, visit and try out You will find everything you need for all subjects and grades from Preschool through High School, plus resources and parent helps. Use code: EXPLORE at checkout to pay only $179 for a two-year Ultimate Membership.


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Teach".

This post will also be linked at Inspire Me Monday.

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 ©2006-2021 Homeschool Coffee Break. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. 

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E Adams Wright said...

Parents are indeed our first teachers. I think of how much I learned from my parents, simply by observing their lives. Thank you for sharing the homeschool resources. Blessings. Visiting from FMF.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Well stated,
Thanks for sharing.
Your FMF neighbor #25.
P.S. Glad I was not the only one who posted on Monday instead of Friday, LOL.

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