Sunday, August 22, 2021

I Spy #33

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Each week Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook shares a set of prompts for photos. On Saturday she invites participants to share their photos in the I Spy 2021 linkup. I took so many photos this past week while we were on vacation, but still had to hunt around the house to satisfy all the prompts. Check back in the days ahead if you want to see my Blue Ridge Parkway photo albums!

- stuck - I had a really tough time with this one! I finally came up with this - the manufacturer label is still stuck on the new dining room door, and we got temporarily stuck in our plans to get the entire project done. We'd wanted to get the painting done this weekend, but it's not ready, and the new floors are going in tomorrow, so the painting will have to wait till the end of the week, I think.

- house (summer - quarterly pic) - I went out this afternoon and grabbed a photo just before it started raining. We were on vacation all week so I left this until the last minute!

- ink - I love colored pens, especially for grading papers and for writing notes in my Bible study journal.

- starts with C - Clouds. These are in the Great Smoky Mountains region of the Blue Ridge Parkway. We drove the Parkway for our vacation this past week, and saw plenty of clouds!

- your choice - Tough to choose from among the many photos I took along the Blue Ridge Parkway! How about this one - a pretty unusual design for a dam, but it makes a lovely waterfall effect. 

iSpy 2021 is hosted by Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook. The idea is to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something different with your photos. Anyone can participate by taking five new photos during the week that fit the prompts. Link up during the week and have fun! 

This post will also be linked at Wordless Wednesday hosted by Life on Chickadee Lane.

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creationsnz said...

I have a coffee her so let's do it.
Love love love your clouds photo and your darling house snuggled into those lovely sunny flowers.

Joanne said...

Those clouds are just amazing and your house looks so great with all the blooming flowers in front.

Lysha said...

Beautiful house pic. The clouds and the waterfall pics are spot on! Thanks for linking up!

Natasha said...

Oh,I love your interpretation of "stuck." The flowers at the front of your house are gorgeous! And that dam is beautiful.

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