Sunday, August 29, 2021

I Spy #34

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Each week Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook shares a set of prompts for photos. On Saturday she invites participants to share their photos in the I Spy 2021 linkup. Here are my photos for the week:

- ornate - My husband and I attended a concert in the Hershey Theater on Tuesday, and it is full of ornate flourishes. I'm sharing two photos because I couldn't decide on just one! The ceilings in the main entrance hall, and a wall from inside the theater:

- spicy - Most of us love hot sauces and spicy foods, so I lined up a few of our hot sauces for this photo prompt. The Cholula sauce is my personal favorite, by the way.

- roll - The hubster and I got takeout dinner from an Argentinean/Chilean place yesterday. I actually don't remember what this is called, but it's chicken, pesto and grilled pepper on a ciabatta roll. And it was delicious.

- muted - Had a hard time with this prompt. I missed my chance to get a photo on the foggy morning we had. But I thought that my photo of the newly installed dining room floor fit the bill with it's muted color and pattern.

- your choice - First day of university for my daughter! Sixteen straight years of First Day of School photos - just one year to go! Homeschooled thirteen years, Kindergarten through 12th grade, then two years of community college, and now the first of two years at university.

iSpy 2021 is hosted by Lysha at A Camera and a Cookbook. The idea is to challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone and do something different with your photos. Anyone can participate by taking five new photos during the week that fit the prompts. Link up during the week and have fun! 

This post will also be linked at Wordless Wednesday hosted by Life on Chickadee Lane.

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creationsnz said...

Oh I would love to see that theatre, it looks wonderful. I love old buildings. Your roll looks very tasty indeed. CarolG

Natasha said...

Oh, I love your muted and the wall of the ornate prompt. Yay for another "first day" for your daughter!!!

Joanne said...

That theater looks so lovely! Your dinner looks scrumptious and I'm a bit in awe of your first day of school photos. If I had to guess I would say I have maybe 2 of them with each of my boys (on different years in different grades since I rarely think to take them).

Lysha said...

So many great photos! I hate when I let a photographic moment slip by.

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