Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Five Minute Friday (Bonus) - Morning

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

morning cup of coffee
morning person
good morning!

So, I am not a morning person. I've never been a morning person, not by nature. When I was a teen, I hit the snooze button as many times as I dared, and was always barely on time for school. When I was at college, I did the same thing. I was a night owl and stayed out or stayed up into the wee hours of the morning. As a newlywed, I scaled my morning routine to the barest minimum so I could stay in bed the maximum amount of time before getting up. And as a new mom, I could finally stay home many mornings, but oh it was tempting to just stay in bed!

But a funny thing happened over the years. Even though I didn't need to get myself up to go to work, and I didn't need to put kids on a school bus, I did get up and see my husband off to work in the morning. Once my boys finished school and were working, I'd see them off too. Often I would have to drive husband or son to work so that I could have a vehicle. I'd pour their coffee and naturally I'd pour my own too. And after years and years of getting up at a pretty consistent time six days every week, I started becoming a morning person.

I'm still not the kind of morning person that cannot stay in bed once the sun is up, or the kind that gets up early to exercise and puts in several hours of energetic productivity before lunch. I need my morning coffee and plenty of it, and I don't feel fully awake without it. I'm the kind of morning person that treasures my quiet time with a cup or three of coffee. The kind that pauses and wonders at the beauty of the sunrise, and stops to just breathe in the stillness just before dawn (when I'm up that early). The kind that thinks morning frost and fog are two of the prettiest sights.

I've learned that whether I start my day early or late, it goes better when I start with some quiet time of reading my Bible and collecting my thoughts. And sipping a quality cup of coffee. Mornings that are frazzled and hurried and skip one of those steps just don't go as well. 

In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.
~Psalm 5:3~

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
~Psalm 90:14~

I may not ever be a natural early bird, but I treasure the beauty and blessing of starting the morning right. Coffee and Jesus. Jesus and coffee. Mostly Jesus.


This was a previous Five Minute Friday prompt, but I didn't get a chance to write. It's such a good word, I decided to write anyway, even if I missed the link-up.

This post was intended to be linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Morning".

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Joanne Viola said...

Early mornings are my favorite time of day. The stillness, the quiet, and my coffee (cup or three) combined with reading my devotional just makes for the best start of a day.

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