Friday, November 26, 2021

Five Minute Friday - Nourish

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One word. Five minutes to write about it. This is the idea behind Five Minute Friday and this is today's free-writing post.

nourishing meal


Over the past few days I've mentioned to a few people my theory that there's a "grandma gene" that must have kicked in during recent years. This gene compels me to plan and prepare meals for special occasions and to provide copious amounts of food to the people I love, and to fit as many of those people around my table as possible. There really is no other explanation for my obsession with feeding people, because normally I do not like to cook. On ordinary days I really don't like to cook - no kidding. For the first twenty years or so of being a parent, my reaction to "what's for dinner?" was usually "Dinner?? Again??? Didn't you just eat yesterday? Ugh." I seldom had a meal plan, and kept everything as simple as possible. Except for holiday meals, birthdays, or company, I was not at all interested.

We like to entertain though, but most of the time having company for a meal means we were grilling or making barbecue.

I've always liked to bake, and several years ago I got serious about baking my own bread. I love doing that, and I love sharing it too. Around that time I started noticing that my kids' friends were showing up around mealtimes more often and of course they were always welcome, but I also made sure there was plenty of food to go around. A few years ago our pastor challenged the church to sit down for meals as a family. Well, our family already did that most days, so we stepped up our game a bit - made sure we had some "auxiliary kids" at our table each meal and took a photo for social media too. That's when I noticed the "grandma gene" effect.

I also noticed it each Thanksgiving, Canadian and American. Particularly Canadian Thanksgiving, when there were a couple of years I actually TOOK THE DAY OFF WORK so I could spend an entire day preparing a Thanksgiving meal for my family and our guests. What the what?

This week I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday preparing and serving food. As the jokes point out - spending 18 hours preparing a meal that is gone in about 10 minutes. And then there's the cleanup. For which there is no "grandma gene" - you either have the "need for clean gene" or you don't. I don't. But it still needed to be cleaned up and so we did it.

When you have eaten and are satisfied, praise the LORD your God for the good land he has given you.

~Deuteronomy 8:10~

My imperfect efforts fill a temporary need for nourishment. God is the provider. He provides for all our temporal needs for nourishment for our bodies. But more importantly, he provides abundant spiritual nourishment. Everything we need for life and godliness. As the Giver of every good and perfect gift, it is his very nature to feed us and provide for us, and he takes great joy in seeing us gathered around his table to enjoy all that he has prepared for us.


This post is linked at Five Minute Friday for the word prompt "Nourish".

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Sabrina said...

It sounds like you have found a way to nourish your soul. Love this.

Beth Listening to Him said...

I love this! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I share some of the same sentiments. Sometimes cooking is hard, but I do often feel the need to care for my people through food. I look forward to my "grandma gene" kicking in!

Andrew said...

I have got no feeding gene,
and my life doth make it clear.
If you're at my feeding scene,
it's MRE and can of beer.
It really ain't that I don't care,
and don't think I am a troll,
but my cooking sure would scare
the Centre For Disease Control,
so peel the foil and chow on down,
pop the top (you can have more);
enjoy it cold, and go to town
till alky's got you on the floor,
and get thee over the bad scare
of eating what I might prepare.

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