Thursday, December 2, 2021

Currently . . . December 2, 2021

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I'm taking a few moments to share in another "Currently" link-up with Anne in Residence. Anne posts five action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. This link-up opened on December 1st, and technically I did write this on that date, but because the day got away from me, I'm dating it December 2nd. Here's what's happening . . . currently . . .


decorating - Decorating the house for the holidays, but we are way behind schedule! We like to get the Christmas decorations out on Black Friday and get going on that weekend, even if we don't finish decorating until a week into December. This year we had the family here for Thanksgiving, so we put off getting the tree and all out. And here we are a week after Thanksgiving, and all we've done so far is the outside lights. The tree is going up tonight and my plan is to have all the halls appropriately decked this weekend.

feeling - Tired and overwhelmed, to be honest. At least at the moment. It's been a challenge to keep up with the grading for the co-op classes, and I haven't been sleeping well for some reason. So my energy is lacking. And therefore the long to-do list as the holidays creep closer is discouraging sometimes. I'm confident it will all work out, but right now all I really want is an extra couple hours of sleep!

sending - Christmas cards, maybe. I didn't do it last year, and if I don't hustle, it won't happen this year either. That's on my to-do list for the weekend as well.

smelling - all the candles and wax burners. Pumpkin, chai, maple, and vanilla are the scent notes I can pick out right now. Still in November scents mode, I guess!

wrapping - I haven't got Christmas presents ready to wrap yet! What's crazy is that I guess I might have to buy wrapping paper this year. We've always had a good stockpile of paper, but when our basement flooded, I threw out an awful lot of the wrapping paper stash so I'm not sure there's much left.


This post is linked at Anne in Residence for this month's  "Currently".

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Natasha said...

Oh, our stash of wrapping paper is so old -- we'd absolutely have to buy new if it got wet and that would be a shock because I'm pretty sure we've had it for at least five years. I could use a couple of extra hours of sleep too. I'm so happy to not be working today as I'm getting A LOT done -- yay!

Shooting Stars Mag said...

I feel like I always need new wrapping paper every year. LOL You could always use newspaper, or something similar too though!!

Lauren @

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