Thursday, February 24, 2022

Share Four Somethings - February 2022

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The short month of February has been packed full of busy-ness, and yet I had to think pretty hard about the Something Loved, Something Gleaned, Something Braved and Something Achieved I could share for the month.  

Something Loved

If you read my January Somethings, you may remember that my husband was let go from his job of almost twenty-five years on the first Monday of January. We were stunned, to say the least. Thankfully he has a new position and has been working for two weeks now. Obviously, that is something loved, and the fact that the job is nearby (so we didn't have to move!) is something loved as well. So we are grateful and humbled at how the Lord provided. But it wasn't just the job itself. It was the wonderful timing of it, and the way it met our needs but is also meeting the needs of the employer. Perhaps that is something to share another time. 

We were also so blessed by the prayers and support and kind words from everyone. Many of his former co-workers, many contacts from around the industry, and all our friends and family were completely supportive and willing to help out if we had need. 

Above all, we love the Lord and his faithfulness; and we love the Body of Christ.

Something Gleaned

I no longer remember what internet rabbit trail I followed to find this article, but it resonated with me so I saved it. On the Mike Frost blog, he asks: Why Haven't You Asked Me Anything About My Life? He reflects on a get-together with an old acquaintance during which he and his wife asked the friend about his work, his family, and all kinds of things. The friend gave thoughtful and complete answers and the evening was pleasant for all. But afterwards, Frost and his wife realized that the friend had not asked a single question of them. What is the explanation for this increasingly common experience? Do people not have the social skill of conversation any more? What role have social media and 'online friendships' played in this trend? 

I know I tend to do a lot of the talking, and when someone asks me a question, I probably give a more complete answer than they needed. After reading that article some time ago, I tried to evaluate my own habits - do I dominate conversation? Do I ramble on but then fail to ask questions of the other person? I've been trying to pay attention to my conversations, and see if I can do better.

Something Braved

After staring down a job loss last month, and starting to mentally prepare for a move, I don't have much to top that! Even though we're not moving right now, we decided the downsizing and organizing of our house must continue. So I suppose what I've braved (to a certain extent), and am still braving, is the huge challenge of staying on task with that, but without a looming deadline to help motivate me. 

These photos are from early in the month - the basement is getting put back together, better than ever!

Something Achieved

Well, I haven't reached the end of the month yet, but I've been working on the #write28days challenge on my blog this month. It really has been a challenge, especially because I tried to write with a month-long theme. I've missed a couple of days so far, and caught up with a couple of them. Here at the end of the month with a very busy schedule and a day or two of not feeling my best, I've fallen a little behind, but I'm determined to achieve this for real. I may not finish my twenty-eighth post on February 28th, but I will finish. You can find all my posts here on the landing page: 28 Days of Coping with Change

This post will be linked at Share Four Somethings hosted by

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Joanne said...

So glad to hear your husband has found a good job and that you don't need to move! Sounds very serendipitous. While I didn't read the same article you did I have been wondering if I too dominate conversations and have been trying to do better at listening as well as talking.

Lydia C. Lee said...

I'm going to read that blog. I often feel like I'm giving an job interview to people - me asking them questions and they never reciprocate. I find it bizarre. Good find. #ShareFourSomethings

Lydia C. Lee said...

And great news on the job. Still watch for your husbands mood - that must bring a lot of emotions with it, being unexpected let go after so many years.

A Byrd in His Hands said...

I've definitely been on both ends of one-sided questions. There are relationships where I have learned I have to just speak up and tell the other person what's going on if I want to share, because they aren't ever going to ask. At first it bothered me, but I've gotten used to it. Megan

Jennifer said...

So glad that all is going well with the new job and life adjustments! So wonderful to have so much support and faithful friends and others that lifted you up and strengthened you during that difficult time!

Linda Stoll said...

So grateful to hear about the quick discovery of a new job. What a powerful answer to prayer.

Heather said...

Way to go for the write 28 days!!

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