Thursday, March 31, 2022

Share Four Somethings - March 2022

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I've waited until the final day of the month to get my Something Loved, Something Gleaned, Something Braved and Something Achieved shared! I've had a tough time being consistent with anything this month, from diet to housework to grading, and of course writing. All I can do is my best!

Something Loved

March has been a very busy month and I feel like I was busy the entire time! Although I might have a hard time explaining what I accomplished, but that's for another section. As I review the busy month though, a highlight is how often I was able to get together with friends, and how valuable those times were. 

At the beginning of the month, one of my dearest friends was back in town for a working visit and I was able to get together with her a couple of times. Lunch out together and an afternoon at my place. Dinner out together with our husbands. And I was able to attend a choral concert with them as well - their son's university choir performed at their former church. It was so good to spend that time together and get caught up, and we're hoping there will be another visit later this spring!

Another highlight was meeting two more very dear friends for dinner one evening. It was impromptu, as my husband was meeting some of his former colleagues for dinner and I decided I should go out with some of my friends as well. We tried out a new restaurant (new to me, anyway) and had a great visit.

I've also been meeting with a small group of former homeschool moms to pray together one morning each week. It can be a challenge for me to get everything together and get that early start to my day, but it is always worth it. 

Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. ~Ecclesiastes 4:12

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. ~Proverbs 17:17

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. ~John 15:12-13

Something Gleaned

A couple of tidbits of wisdom found over the past few weeks. In Fear Bravely As You Are Strengthened With The Courage to Love, Michelle Morin shares some insights into what made the Biblical character Nehemiah such a great leader. Nehemiah happens to be one of my favorite characters because he was such a good and courageous leader. According to Morin, it was largely because he knew what to fear and prioritized his fears:
Nehemiah was being formed by his fear. This was a salutary thing in his case because his fear was well-placed. In fact, Nehemiah's fear of God prevented him from fearing his enemies and their threats.
The other article I really enjoyed happens to be another one written by Morin, this time at The Joyful Life. Her article How Heroes of the Bible Build Faith and Courage In Your Son was a timely one about hero worship and how having good heroes as role models will benefit our boys.

This quote was in a devotional I read a couple of days ago and I liked how succinctly it summed up what the church should be:

The church must be a place where people learn about God and then practice what they learn with each other.

Something Braved

Truthfully, I didn't have any choice but to brave this - we've had a stomach flu going around in our area, and three of the four of us in the house have had it. And it was bad. Thankfully it doesn't last long, but it was a miserable couple of days when my daughter and I were both feeling so awful and unable to keep anything down. I even passed out at one point, which was scary when I considered how bad that could have been. I was lucky that I was sitting facing away from my desk at the time, so it was a soft landing, and lucky that my daughter could call for help and my husband could come look after me. 

Something Achieved

I've been working on learning German using the popular learning app Duolingo. I'm proud of myself for establishing a habit of spending a few minutes on it every day. I don't know how much opportunity I'll have to converse in German, but since I grew up in a family that speaks Low German, it's coming relatively easy to me and maybe one day I'll surprise my aunts by chatting with them a bit in the mother tongue. 

And it's just good to continue learning new things! That's one of my annual bucket list items - to always be learning something new. Got to keep the neurons firing and functioning!

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Heather said...

Oh my word - I 'm so sorry you had the flu! So thankful you are ok and that you didn't hurt yourself when you passed out. Thanks for linking up!

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