Friday, October 30, 2015

From the High School Lesson Book - The Reformation

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From the High School Lesson Book - The Reformation on Homeschool Coffee Break @

I thought it appropriate to take a look at the Reformation this week, even though it was addressed in Landon's Exploring America text even before he focused on the various European settlements in North America. Why was the Protestant Reformation in Europe included in a study of American history? Because this revolution in religious thought and practice also shaped the colonization of the New World.

While studying world history, we learned quite a bit about Martin Luther, his ninety-five theses, and the widespread changes in the church and society of Europe that resulted. Luther was a Catholic priest and scholar in Germany during the 1500s. While studying for a teaching position, Luther saw many differences in what the Bible said and what the church actually practiced, and he announced the theses (points of debate) that challenged many Catholic practices and doctrines. Luther was put on trial for heresy, but stood his ground even in the face of excommunication. Those who followed his teaching eventually came to be known as Lutherans, and what we know as the Protestant Reformation was begun. This was a new way of living out Christianity, but it also led to great conflicts.

The religious upheaval in Europe affected colonial development as the New World was being explored and settled by Europeans. Since Spain remained Catholic, the areas of the New World they claimed were Catholic; while the areas controlled by the English tended to allow more diversity in religious expression.

And the Protestant Reformation changed political thought as well. People wanted freedom to govern themselves and to have a say in their leadership and government. As the religious landscape of Europe changed, so too did the political landscape and worldview, and thus the colonization of the Americas and their views on government. 

From the High School Lesson Book - The Reformation on Homeschool Coffee Break @

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