Friday, July 19, 2019

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week

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Welcome to Homeschool Highlights! 
This weekly link-up is your opportunity to share some highlights of what is happening in your homeschool and in your world each week. If you write a wrap-up post at the end of each week, like I've been doing, we'd love to see what you're busy with from week to week. If you'd like to pick a favorite post from your week that spotlights a resource or activity in your homeschool that you'd like to tell others about, we're interested in those too. I'm keeping the guidelines as simple as I can, and they will appear at the bottom of each post, along with the link tool. I look forward to getting to know you, and I hope this will be a source of encouragement and good ideas for all of us.

Grab a cup of coffee and let's get started!

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool News . . . Yes, there is a little bit of actual homeschool news - how crazy is that?! Yesterday I went to our homeschool co-op board meeting and we did a little work to prepare for co-op to start in the fall. Which isn't that far away! I've started contacting the parents who have students registered for the classes I'm teaching, and I ordered the rest of the books I need for the Literature class. Although I'm not ready for summer to be over (we still have at least one trip to take!), there's a part of me that is looking forward to establishing our new routine. But, boy, will it be weird when I go to the co-op and I don't have Kennady with me!

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She did just fine with her first week of her online college class, and worked ahead as best she could so that she wouldn't get behind while away at camp this week. I forgot to mention it in last week's highlights, but she made her first purchase with her grad money - a brand new laptop!

In other news . . . last weekend was pretty much taken up with hockey! It was time for the annual charity Old Fat Bald Guys hockey tournament. My husband is one of the commissioners (they now call themselves 'elders') of the league, which plays for fun year round, but also does this charity tournament in the summer. The guys that play in the league all year participate, of course, and guys that have played in the league but have moved away come back to play. People come from Toronto, the Carolinas, Virginia, and all kinds of places. They play for the love of the game, and to raise money for a charity. This year they chose to honor the memory of one of their own by promoting and raising funds for Platoon 22This charity helps service veterans battling PTSD, and works to ultimately save their lives. The name Platoon 22 derives from the troubling estimate that twenty-two US service veterans commit suicide every day. That's sad, y'all, and I think we can take better care of our brave men and women in uniform, and of their families. Well, these Old Fat Bald Guys with their tournament weekend of hockey, golf, silent and live auctions, and lots of fun raised over $17,000 for Platoon 22

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Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

That's serious business, but these guys have a lot of fun! They have a replica Stanley Cup that's awarded to the winning team, and they hoist it for the victory lap and get a team picture just like in the NHL. And to give you an idea of just how serious these games are, check out the ref. Yep, the ref and both linesmen had a beer in hand through the whole championship game!

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Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

Well, after all that excitement on the weekend, we were tired, but Monday morning meant back to work for all of us. And for Kennady, it meant she was heading to Senior High camp for the last time. Last time as a camper, anyway. Turned out she enjoyed being on staff at Kids Camp, so it's possible she'd do that again. I dropped her off on Monday morning and received a couple of messages from her while they were on the road, but once they arrive at camp, there's a strict No Phones policy. 

So while it's been a little quieter at home this week, I've managed to run a few extra errands and get a couple of extra items checked off the to-do list.

What I Loved This Week . . .  it finally worked out for a couple of fellow Retired Homeschool Moms to come over for drinks and a visit. Four of us met on my front porch on Wednesday evening and had a lovely chat. We've talked about getting together for awhile, but this was the first time our schedules aligned. We are hoping to intentionally stay connected and get together like this as regularly as we can. And eventually to invite moms who are getting close to the end of their homeschool run so we can be a continuing support group. Sometimes Retiring Homeschool Moms are not okay. It's a huge accomplishment to finish the homeschool journey, but often we feel it as a bit of a loss too. 

I recommend . . . this book I've been reading: Unshakeable: A Story of Unwavering Faith and Conviction by Elizabeth Wiens. I was really interested in reviewing it because it is set in Alberta, Canada - where I'm from! It's a story about a small group of families that decide to defy a new law that tries to prohibit them from homeschooling. I'm reviewing it for The Old Schoolhouse so watch for it on the website or in the magazine sometime in the coming months.

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On my blogs last week . . .

And on my book blog, Just A Second:

A parting shot . . .  

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Homeschool Highlights - Camp Week on Homeschool Coffee Break @

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  • Your blog should be family-friendly content, and your post should include something about homeschooling. If I don't see homeschooling in it, I might have to delete the link, and I feel bad when I need to do that. 
  • Please link directly to your post, not your blog's homepage.
  • Please include a link in your post to Homeschool Coffee Break - you may use the graphic above if you wish. 
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Joanne said...

That is such a sad statistic! Wonderful of them all to come together and raise so much money for a worthy cause.

A Journey For Life said...

I loved your week, I miss hockey (exnorthern)!

Annette said...

sounds like an interesting book, you had a good week. I find it interesting that you remain as part of your homeschool co-op when you technically aren't homeschooling anymore. How does that work?

Kym said...

Yes, I'm staying on as a tutor because at the high school level it's not technically a true co-op, which would be staffed by parent volunteers. High school classes are taught by tutors who charge tuition. Some of the tutors are parents of students in the co-op, but some are retired school teachers or that type of thing.

Chris and Dawn said...

Sounds like a great week. There is not much hockey here in the south but we enjoy going to an occasional game to see the HHL team that is about two hours away.

Chareen said...

22 is a huge number and so sad. I love that you are still blessing your community with your experience as a homeschooling veteran mom. I love the photo's too. Thank you so much for sharing.

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