Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Currently . . . May 2021

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This month I'm joining Anne in Residence for her "Currently" link-up. This is my first time participating, but I hope to join in regularly. Anne posts five action verb prompts for the month and writers respond.


consuming too many sweets, probably. I've been 'treating' myself too frequently lately. But specifically, we've been able to eat out quite a bit, which I'm always happy about! We went out for my Mother's Day a week early, and have been supporting fundraising efforts by buying Saturday lunches from our young adults.

exploring the college options for my daughter. Kennady will be graduating from the community college very soon and wants to continue studying music. Her heart is set on Mount St Mary's University - very close to us - and it seems a near perfect fit. But we'll just have to wait and see what the price tag will be. An option she's considering is delaying her transfer to Mount St Mary's until spring semester and doing a few extra credit classes at the college in the fall. Save a little bit of money!

getting excited about summer break! This is the last week of classes at the co-op where I teach, and there's only a couple weeks left for Kennady's college classes. I am looking forward to an extra day off each week, and I suspect she has mixed feelings about the prospect of getting a summer job. If she wants to have any pocket money once school starts in fall, or have any hope of getting her own vehicle, she'll have to get to work though!

hoping we'll be able to do some fun things on vacation this year! I suspect it will be another year of short jaunts for long weekends. I'm currently working on plans to visit our son and his family a couple times over the summer, and hopefully a trip south to visit a dear friend that moved recently. Everything has to be planned around so many other moving pieces! We're also hoping that Landon and Meaghan will be able to find a place of their own soon - but with housing prices very high we're preparing for it to take awhile. 

seeing more birds at our feeders, including the first hummingbird of the season! I've been trying to pay more attention to the birds and to do a better job of identifying them. I'd like to slowly start adding more types of feeders and perhaps a few birdboxes and see if we can attract more species. For now I'm enjoying the view just outside my window with this feeder right nearby. Of course it's hard to get photos through the window! This morning on my drive to work, we watched a bird of prey fly quite a distance with a freshly caught rabbit. Amazing!! I'm almost certain it was a young bald eagle, but it was flying ahead of us as we drove, so my view of the head wasn't clear enough to make me 100% sure. We've observed bald eagles in that location before and all the other identification characteristics line up. 


This post is linked at Anne in Residence for this month's  "Currently"

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Tobia | craftaliciousme said...

Oh I remember the hummingbirds when I was living in the States for a year. We do not have them here in Germany – or at least I am not aware if we do. It was such a special thing to see one in real life.
Phishing you all the best for finding schools and planning trips.

Joanne said...

We've been seeing more birds at our feeders just in the last week or two and I was thinking I should put out hummingbird nectar soon but it still is so cold up here that I'm not sure we would see any just yet.

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