Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Currently . . . February 2, 2022

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I've left it until late in the day, but I did want to share in the "Currently" link-up with Anne in Residence. Anne posts five action verb prompts for the month and writers respond. January was a roller coaster ride for us, but it looks like things will settle down now that February is here. Here's what's happening:


loving - how everything fell into place so that we can stay here! It has been such a relief that we do not need to move! My husband took a job that is local so we will be staying here for a few more years. Whew! Because I was not excited about purging and packing and all of that, even though I was kind of looking forward to starting over in a new house. And honestly, I'm still loving this house and the updates we're doing.

We're finally getting the basement back in order - it's been painted so we can put 
furniture back where it belongs, and make these rooms useful.

 making - changes to our schedules and routines, or at least planning to make those changes! Once hubby starts the new job, we'll have to do things a bit differently with how we share vehicles and establish mealtimes and few other things. (My #write28days series this month is focusing on Coping with Changes, if you're interested)

taking - a lot of books and other things we don't need any more to donation sites, auction, sales . . . just trying to get things out of our house! We've talked about purging things for years but we procrastinated more often than not. The prospect of a move got us motivated to work on this, and even though we're not moving, we're still doing our best to pare down the number of belongings we have so that someday when we do move, the job will be more manageable.

Totally a different topic, but I was taking a selfie for a photo prompt awhile ago and actually liked it! That never happens! Haha.

wanting - a second vehicle. We've put it off and put it off, but we really can't any more. We need at least one more vehicle in order to get me and Kennady to our respective jobs and classes, and once hubby starts work it will be impossible to manage without another car. We want a truck or a four-wheel-drive, but we may just get a cheaper compact car for now and get the truck in the summer.  

wondering - when we'll be able to see family again. I'm already anxious to see our son and his family again, but will have to wait for a long weekend opportunity to visit, I think. And my parents have been wanting to come visit us for at least a year but with restrictions and constant changes, it hasn't worked out.


This post is linked at Anne in Residence for this month's  "Currently".

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Amila said...

It is nice to read about some of your life happenings. This selfie is beautiful and thanks for sharing with us.
Have a great day!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations on your husband's new job. Its wonderful that he was able to find one so quickly...and that you can stay put for now. Enjoy the new routine:)

Shooting Stars Mag said...

That's great you don't need to move! I have a ton of books in my house I need to get out and donated.

Lauren @

Natasha said...

I'm late on all my blog reading and decided to try and catch up with the "Currently" posts tonight :) So exciting that you don't have to move! And we too are going through our house and getting rid of things. It feels so freeing! And I hope you can work out a visit with everyone soon -- restrictions make it so hard :(

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